TherapyTreatment | Renal cysts


A therapy of a simple cyst is usually not necessary. Very large cysts can be punctured if necessary.Puncture means that the fluid of the cyst can be aspirated with a needle that is pierced into the cyst. From the punctured filtrate, samples are then usually sent to a laboratory to be tested for pathogens and other cells.

The cystic kidney is also usually treated purely symptomatically. For example, frequently occurring urinary tract infections are treated with antibiotics. Drugs that additionally damage the kidneys should be avoided. If a patient’s kidneys deteriorate noticeably, dialysis (washing of the blood outside the body using machines) or even a kidney transplant may be necessary. Genetic counseling is also part of a good therapy.


There is no prophylaxis, i.e. prevention, for kidney cysts. Since the cyst kidney is congenital, prophylaxis is not possible here either. However, the risk of a recurrence of the disease can be calculated within the framework of a genetic consultation. Genetic counselling is available from doctors of human genetics, mostly at university hospitals.


In the hereditary cystic kidney, about 50% of the carriers of the characteristics become renal insufficiency (chronic renal failure) up to the age of 50. Characteristic carriers mean that they have the mutated gene on chromosome 16. However, disease progression with normal kidney function is also possible.

Once the kidney values are bad, the disease progresses rapidly in the form of renal insufficiency (kidney failure). The decisive factor here is the creatinine in the blood serum. The higher this value is, the worse the kidney functions.