Biochemical Interactions in the Body: Function, Role & Disease

Biochemical interactions in the organism represent the basis of life. Basically, build-up and breakdown processes take place in the body, which are associated with energy uptake and energy release. Disturbances within the biochemical interactions express themselves in diseases. What are biochemical interactions in the body? Biochemical interactions in the body represent the basis of life. … Biochemical Interactions in the Body: Function, Role & Disease

Dissimilation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Dissimilation represents one of the most central processes in the organism of any breathing creature. It ensures the maintenance and intact functioning of the entire metabolism, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. However, this importance results in the presence of many serious consequences and symptoms of disease in the event of a disturbed process at … Dissimilation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Decarboxylation: Function, Role & Diseases

Decarboxylation generally represents a cleavage of carbon dioxide from an organic acid. In the case of carboxylic acids, decarboxylation proceeds very well by heating and enzymatic reactions. Oxidative decarboxylation plays a particularly important role, leading in the organism to acetyl-CoA in the degradation of pyruvate and to succinyl-CoA in the degradation of α-ketoglutarate. What is … Decarboxylation: Function, Role & Diseases

Cellular Respiration: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Cellular respiration (internal respiration or aerobic respiration) refers to all metabolic processes by which energy is obtained in cells. Molecular oxygen serves as the oxidant in this process. This is reduced and in this way water is formed from oxygen and hydrogen. What is cellular respiration? Cellular respiration refers to all metabolic processes by which … Cellular Respiration: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Oxidative Decarboxylation: Function, Role & Diseases

Oxidative decarboxylation is a component of cellular respiration and occurs in the mitochondria of the cell. The end product of oxidative decarboxylation, acetyl-coA, is then further processed in the citrate cycle. What is oxidative decarboxylation? Oxidative decarboxylation is a component of cellular respiration and occurs in the mitochondria of the cell. Mitochondria are cell organelles … Oxidative Decarboxylation: Function, Role & Diseases

Balance of the respiratory chain | What is the respiratory chain?

Balance of the respiratory chain The decisive end product of the respiratory chain is the ATP (adenine triphosphate), which is a universal energy source of the body. ATP is synthesized with the help of a proton gradient that is formed during the respiratory chain. NADH+H+ and FADH2 have different efficiency. NADH+H+ is oxidized back to … Balance of the respiratory chain | What is the respiratory chain?