Disorders of Consciousness: Somnolence, Sopor and Coma

Disorders of consciousness (synonyms: Drowsiness; Unconsciousness; Clouding of consciousness; Coma; Coma cardiale; Coma cerebrale; Coma hypercapnicum; Coma prolonge; Irritable syndrome of the mesodiencephalon; Coma; Coma-like disorder; Comatose state; Precoma; Drowsiness; Somnolence; Sopor; Stupor; Cerebral coma; ICD-10 R40.-: Somnolence, Sopor and Coma) refer to changes in ordinary everyday or normal consciousness. One can distinguish quantitative from … Disorders of Consciousness: Somnolence, Sopor and Coma

Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Causes

Pathogenesis (disease development) Myelodysplastic syndrome disorders are clonal disorders of hematopoiesis (blood formation), meaning that there are qualitative and quantitative changes in hematopoiesis as well as peripheral cytopenia (decreased number of cells in the blood). The defect is in the pluripotent stem cell (stem cells that can differentiate into any cell type of an organism) … Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Causes

Disorders of Consciousness: Somnolence, Sopor and Coma: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of disorders of consciousness* . Family History Are there any disorders in your family that are common? Social history Is there any evidence of psychosocial stress or strain due to your family situation? Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints) [third-party history, … Disorders of Consciousness: Somnolence, Sopor and Coma: Medical History

Tendon Calcification (Tendinosis Calcarea): Surgical Therapy

If spontaneous healing (self-healing) fails to occur or if conservative therapies do not produce the desired results, pain persists or is chronic (> 6 months), and in cases of larger calcified foci (diameter > 1 cm), surgical therapy should be considered. Removal of the calcium foci relieves pressure, which also relieves severe pain. The removal … Tendon Calcification (Tendinosis Calcarea): Surgical Therapy

Tendon Calcification (Tendinosis Calcarea): Causes

Pathogenesis (disease development) Tendinosis calcarea is thought to result from degenerative processes, such as those triggered by reduced blood flow to the tendon attachment to bone. Mechanical causes such as an anatomically narrow space may also promote degeneration. It is likely that the development of calcifications is multifactorial. The calcification foci can cause discomfort due … Tendon Calcification (Tendinosis Calcarea): Causes

Tendon Calcification (Tendinosis Calcarea): Therapy

General measures Depending on the symptoms and stage of disease: Relief and immobilization Sports leave As soon as the pain subsides, physiotherapy (see below) should be started. In case of trauma – care depending on the nature of the injury. Conventional non-surgical therapy methods Anti-inflammatory drugs (drugs that inhibit inflammatory processes). In case of tendinosis … Tendon Calcification (Tendinosis Calcarea): Therapy

Splayfoot (Pes Transversoplanus)

Drop-splayfoot (pes planotransversus; ICD-10 M21.67: Other acquired deformities of the ankle and foot) is one of the acquired foot deformities. Shape deformities of the feet can also be congenital (ICD-10 Q66.8: Other congenital deformities of the feet). Mainly, flat splayfoot does not occur congenitally. Along with splayfoot, it is one of the most common acquired … Splayfoot (Pes Transversoplanus)

Bacterial Meningitis: Prevention

Vaccinations against Haemophilus-influenzae-b (Hib), meningococci (serogroups A, B, C), and pneumococci are important and effective preventive measures.Furthermore, to prevent bacterial meningitis (bacterial meningitis), attention must be paid to reducing risk factors. Behavioral risk factors Listeria meningitis – consumption of contaminated food such as milk or raw meat. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) Post-exposure prophylaxis (here because of … Bacterial Meningitis: Prevention

Splayfoot (Pes Transversoplanus): Medical History

The anamnesis (medical history) represents an important component in the diagnosis of fallen splayfoot. Family history Are there any conditions in your family that are common? Are there any hereditary diseases in your family? Social history What is your profession? Do you often wear shoes with high heels? Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological … Splayfoot (Pes Transversoplanus): Medical History

Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS): Symptoms due to cytopenia (decrease in the number of cells in the blood) (80%). Anemia symptoms (70-80%). Exertional dyspnea (shortness of breath during exertion). Exercise tachycardia (rapid heartbeat under stress). Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes Headache Tiredness and fatigue Dizziness Decreased physical and … Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs