MRT of the abdomen

Introduction The MRI examination of the abdomen (also known as abdominal MRI) is one of the imaging procedures in medicine. MRI is called magnetic resonance imaging or nuclear spin tomography. The abdomen is the medical term for the abdominal cavity. Depending on how many hydrogen atoms a particular body tissue contains, it is displayed differently … MRT of the abdomen

Costs | MRT of the abdomen

Costs Private health insurance companies usually cover the costs of the MRI examination. The statutory health insurance companies require a corresponding indication in order for the MRT to be covered. Otherwise, the costs must be borne by the patient himself. In this case the costs vary. As a rule, 300 – 600 Euros must be … Costs | MRT of the abdomen

MRI of the shoulder joint

Procedure of the examination The course of the MRI examination usually begins with an informative conversation with the respective specialist. Preparations at home are usually not necessary, but care should be taken to ensure that there is no more fluid and food intake approximately four hours before the examination. Since contrast media are often used … MRI of the shoulder joint

Diagnosis | MRI of the shoulder joint

Diagnosis Magnetic resonance imaging is mainly used when injuries of the soft tissues and/or tendons are suspected. Usually, MRI of the shoulder joint reveals tears or ruptures of the tendons in the rotator cuff or the long biceps tendon. In addition, it is possible to detect or rule out possible bursitis (inflammation of the bursa). … Diagnosis | MRI of the shoulder joint

Costs of an MRT of the temporomandibular joint | Costs of a MRT – examination

Costs of an MRT of the temporomandibular joint The examination of the temporomandibular joint is usually performed within the scope of an MRI imaging of the head. It is used to assess the joint surfaces and identify inflammation for the diagnosis of orthodontic problems. In some cases, an MRI examination is also required to plan … Costs of an MRT of the temporomandibular joint | Costs of a MRT – examination

Costs of a MRT – examination

Introduction The costs for an MRI examination (magnetic resonance imaging) are reimbursed for private patients according to the GÖA (Gebührenordnung für Ärzte) and for patients with health insurance according to the EBM (Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab). If there is a medical necessity to perform the MRI examination, the costs are covered by the health insurance company. Special … Costs of a MRT – examination

Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? | Costs of a MRT – examination

Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? In individual cases, a missed or not cancelled MRI appointment may result in costs for the patient. While no fees can normally be charged for a missed regular practice visit, an MRI examination, where demand is very high and a tightly planned … Do I incur costs if I don’t cancel or miss my MRI appointment? | Costs of a MRT – examination