Costs of an MRT of the temporomandibular joint | Costs of a MRT – examination

Costs of an MRT of the temporomandibular joint

The examination of the temporomandibular joint is usually performed within the scope of an MRI imaging of the head. It is used to assess the joint surfaces and identify inflammation for the diagnosis of orthodontic problems. In some cases, an MRI examination is also required to plan larger interventions in the mouth and throat area.

The costs of an MRI examination of the head are covered by the statutory health insurance companies in case of clinical indication. The examination usually takes place without the administration of contrast medium. The costs for self-payers and private patients are approximately 400 to 500 Euros.

Costs of an MRT of the pancreas

Imaging of the pancreas is usually performed as part of an MRI examination of the abdominal cavity (MRI abdomen). With the help of imaging, tumors, unclear masses, inflammations and congenital malformations of the excretory ducts can be identified. This often requires the administration of a contrast medium.

The costs of this examination are covered by the statutory health insurance companies in the case of clinically relevant questions. Self-payers and private patients must expect costs of between 400 and 500 euros.