
Definition The skull (Latin: cranium) is the bony part of the head, the skeleton of the head, so to speak. Bony structure The human skull consists of many bones, which however are firmly fused together by the bone sutures (sutures). These sutures belong to the false joints. In the course of life, these sutures gradually … Skull

Facial Skull | Skull

Facial Skull The facial skull is formed by the following bones: The bones of the facial skull form the basis of our face, and thus determine to a large extent how we look. While the ratio of brain to facial skull is still about 8:1 in newborns, it is only about 2:1 in adults. The … Facial Skull | Skull

Skull Bones | Skull

Skull Bones All bones of the human skeleton above the cervical spine are called skull bones. They can be roughly divided into the bones surrounding the brain and the facial bones forming the face and jaw. The cerebral skull consists of the occipital bone (Os occipitale), the two parietal bones (Os parietale) and temporal bones … Skull Bones | Skull