Around the knee joint

If the knee is twisted, it can cause strain or more serious injuries. It is important to determine the pain/injury and to design the therapy accordingly. >> to the article: Knee twisted – what helps? no matter if it hurts in the hollow of the knee when getting up, when stretching or when jogging. In … Around the knee joint

Excess Weight Makes Knees Grind

The knee is the largest joint and can bear enormous loads. For a short time it can carry up to 1.5 tons. Nevertheless, many people suffer from osteoarthritis-related complaints in the knee. The higher the body weight, the greater the risk of osteoarthritis. Below, you will learn what the risks are as a result of … Excess Weight Makes Knees Grind

Prognosis | Maxillary sinus

Prognosis The healing of an inflamed maxillary sinus is very good thanks to the therapy with antibiotics or surgical treatment. The expansion of the maxillary sinus is sometimes an obstacle for the insertion of an implant in the posterior tooth region if there is not enough bone material available. This is the case if the … Prognosis | Maxillary sinus

Maxillary sinus

Introduction The maxillary sinus (Sinus maxillaris) is the largest paranasal sinus in pairs. It is of very variable shape and size. The floor of the maxillary sinus often shows protrusions, which are caused by the roots of the small and large posterior teeth. The maxillary sinus is air-filled and lined with ciliated epithelium. There is … Maxillary sinus

How to remove plaque

Introduction If oral hygiene is inadequate, food remains stick to the tooth. Bacteria decompose them and excrete substances harmful to the tooth. In order to care for the teeth optimally and keep them healthy for a long time, plaque must be removed regularly. Only in this way can carious defects and inflammatory processes of the … How to remove plaque

Professional dental cleaning | How to remove plaque

Professional dental cleaning In case of very persistent plaque, tartar and other discolorations of the tooth substance, a so-called “professional tooth cleaning” by a dentist should be considered. Professional tooth cleaning is an effective measure to remove plaque, in which the surfaces and spaces between the teeth are cleaned mechanically. Countless studies have shown that … Professional dental cleaning | How to remove plaque

Household remedy against dental plaque | How to remove plaque

Household remedy against dental plaque When using household remedies, it is essential to ensure that their use does not damage the enamel – whether through acid or roughening substances that damage the enamel and thus promote the accumulation of bacteria. A roughened surface also provides an increased surface area with even more hiding places for … Household remedy against dental plaque | How to remove plaque

Teeth grinding

Synonyms Medical: Bruxism Introduction Not only adults suffer from teeth grinding, but also small children suffer from this malfunction, called parafunction. Teeth grinding (bruxism) often occurs during sleep and not only disturbs the sleep of others in the same room, but also leads to the grinding of teeth. The grinding of milk teeth, on the … Teeth grinding

Symptoms | Teeth grinding

Symptoms Of course, teeth grinding is a symptom that cannot be ignored. The dentist can see the effects of the grinding on grinded teeth. First the canines are affected, then the front teeth and finally the molars. Psychological changes of the child can also be noticed. Effects and consequences Teeth grinding and clenching not only … Symptoms | Teeth grinding