Exercises from physiotherapy for a hip TEP exercise 9Picture 1

“Stretch hip flexor” In supine position, let the affected leg hang down on a raised surface. Take care not to get into the hollow back. Slight pendulum movements are possible. After 15 seconds take a short break and repeat the exercise 2 more times. “The hanging leg remains in its position while the previous stretched … Exercises from physiotherapy for a hip TEP exercise 9Picture 1

Pain in the ischium

Definition The ischium (medical term: Os ischium) and the associated ischial tuberosity (Tuber ischiadicum) are anatomical, bony structures of the human pelvis. Pain in the area of the ischium or ischial tuberosity can present itself in different ways. In many cases, involvement of the ligaments or muscles as well as adjacent nerves is likely. In … Pain in the ischium

Pain behind the kneecap

Introduction Pain behind the kneecap is a relatively unspecific symptom and cannot be clearly assigned to a disease. The pain is often a sign of overloading or increasing wear and tear due to increased cartilage wear. Radiological imaging is often necessary for the doctor to make a reliable diagnosis. The causes The patella is exposed … Pain behind the kneecap