Pain behind the kneecap

Introduction Pain behind the kneecap is a relatively unspecific symptom and cannot be clearly assigned to a disease. The pain is often a sign of overloading or increasing wear and tear due to increased cartilage wear. Radiological imaging is often necessary for the doctor to make a reliable diagnosis. The causes The patella is exposed … Pain behind the kneecap

Improve endurance

Athletes who do endurance sports naturally want to improve their endurance continuously. However, there are some aspects to consider in order not to give up frustrated. If you are just at the beginning of your endurance sports career, the training successes will come more or less by themselves. The mere fact that the body has … Improve endurance

Sport after a rib fracture

Introduction Rib fractures are painful and long lasting injuries. Healing usually takes about six weeks, but for complicated fractures it can take up to 12 weeks. Pain may persist until healing is complete. Sport should not be started too early after a rib fracture, as there is a risk of renewed injury, especially in contact … Sport after a rib fracture

Symptoms of rib fracture | Sport after a rib fracture

Symptoms of rib fracture The symptoms are generally severe chest pain, especially when breathing, speaking, and coughing. Thus, the rib fracture is symptomatically only slightly different from a rib contusion. The patient therefore often reacts with shallow (because less painful) breathing, up to dyspnoea, i.e. breathing difficulties. This condition is particularly unpleasant for the patient, … Symptoms of rib fracture | Sport after a rib fracture

Prognosis of a rib fracture | Sport after a rib fracture

Prognosis of a rib fracture A rib fracture usually heals completely without complications within 2-3 weeks. However, there is an impairment, especially at night, when the patient turns on the fractured side and develops a sleep deficit due to the pain. Here, good pain therapy is an important prerequisite! In addition, rib fractures and rib … Prognosis of a rib fracture | Sport after a rib fracture

On the Wheel At the Age of Three

When children prepare to ride a bike, it’s best to do it without a pedal and chain. Saddle, handlebars and two wheels: ready is the running bike. Running bikes have become popular toys for toddlers: They introduce children to cycling without overtaxing them. They deliberately do without pedals and a chain, because they are propelled … On the Wheel At the Age of Three

Cramp in the thigh

Introduction A cramp in the thigh is a spontaneously occurring twitching or pulling in the thigh muscles and is usually associated with pain. The cramp can occur continuously for a few seconds to minutes, which is called tonic cramp. If a painless twitching of the musculature is more likely to occur, this is called a … Cramp in the thigh