Vitamin Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

General acute or chronic vitamin deficiency – also known medically as hypovitaminosis – is a deficiency condition that can result in numerous diseases. As a readily treatable deficiency situation, vitamin deficiency can be remedied by oral administration of vitamins and dietary changes. All metabolic disorders caused by acute or chronic vitamin deficiency can be completely cured with proper diet and therapy.

What is vitamin deficiency?

Vitamin deficiency is defined as acute or chronic non-presence of the required vitamins in the organism. If the vitamin deficiency of one or more essential vital substances persists for a long time, it can result in serious vitamin deficiency diseases such as scurvy, pellegra or beri-beri. Vitamin deficiency can be defined by acute or chronic insufficiency, as well as by an incorrect combination of foods, impaired utilization of vitamins in the organism, or increased consumption of vitamins – for example, during chemotherapy or pregnancy.


In view of the free accessibility to food supplements and foodstuffs that are pepped up via synthetic vitamins, a vitamin deficiency in our latitudes should actually be ruled out. Deficiencies in industrially produced foods or a lack of vitamins due to an unbalanced diet are nowadays compensated for via “functional food” or vitamin supplements. The fact is, however, that a general vitamin deficiency often occurs as a result of inadequate nutrition or an unbalanced diet. Serious vitamin deficiency is recorded in developing countries or in anorexia. In old age, insufficient food and fluid intake can lead to latent vitamin deficiency. In industrialized countries, highly processed food is increasingly causing latent or acute vitamin deficiency to be diagnosed. Most often, chronic vitamin deficiency is attributed to malnutrition, intake disorders, excess consumption during pregnancy or certain conditions, certain diseases, or as a consequence of certain medical interventions or treatments. An acute vitamin deficiency is countered by the organism by helping itself from its depots or by declaring hunger. However, most vitamins must be supplied daily and cannot be stored in the body. Vitamin deficiencies can also be triggered by a combination of factors. Stress as a vitamin robber in combination with a one-sided diet low in vital substances is very likely to result in a vitamin deficiency in the long term. Chemotherapy can also trigger a dramatic vitamin deficiency. Certain diseases – for example, acute or chronic liver and kidney dysfunction, the relatively rare allergy to light, or diabetes – can trigger vitamin deficiencies.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

The signs of vitamin deficiency can be many and varied. They develop depending on the deficit present. Certain signs may be considered deficiency symptoms for several vitamins. The time course until the appearance of symptoms varies depending on the vitamin. Physical and mental reactions can range from simple fatigue symptoms to dangerous cardiovascular problems, cancer or depression. Signs of vitamin A deficiency include changes in vision, especially at dusk and in the dark. In addition, increased fatigue and susceptibility to infection may develop, as well as dry, scaly skin. A deficiency of vitamin B1 can also cause fatigue as well as irritability, mood swings and forgetfulness. An undersupply of vitamin B2 can lead to muscle weakness, depressive moods and poor fat burning. Too little B3 can lead to sleep disturbances, skin problems and premature fatigue. Symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency can include poor concentration, low blood pressure, and headaches and dizziness. Cravings and muscle cramps can also occur. An undersupply of vitamin B6 can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting or loss of appetite. Emotional and movement disorders, confusion, nerve damage or breathing difficulties can occur due to a deficit of vitamin B12. A deficiency of the main protective vitamin C can lead to reduced performance and susceptibility to infections.Too little vitamin D can cause growth disorders in children and overall increased fatigue and susceptibility to infections. Vitamin E deficiency may be indicated by muscle problems, accelerated aging of the skin, and impaired concentration.

Diagnosis and course

Depending on the cause, the diagnosis and course of vitamin deficiency vary. First, however, it must be noticeable in the first place. In cases of chronic malnutrition or multiple chemotherapy, vitamin deficiency is likely, but in cases of apparently normal nutrition, it is more likely not. A general deficiency can go unnoticed for a long time. In addition, only one vitamin may be deficient, or the absorption of vitamins may be disturbed for many reasons without being noticed. In most cases, a vitamin deficiency is first noticed in the form of anemia, chronic fatigue, prolonged loss of performance, skin problems, circulatory disorders, night blindness, osteoporosis or other symptom states. Newly born children can suffer from so-called neural tube defects, for example spina bifida, due to a maternal vitamin deficiency. They usually end in the death of the child. Rickets occurs when vitamin D is lacking, and scurvy due to vitamin C deficiency. Both vitamin deficiency diseases can be easily countered nowadays.


Vitamin deficiency can cause various complications. If the disease remains untreated for a long period of time, it first becomes noticeable through a poor skin appearance and torn corners of the mouth, so-called rhagades. A deficiency of vitamins B5, B6 and B12 can cause anemia, which is noticeable among other things in excessive fatigue and exhaustion, concentration problems and increased infections. If vitamin D deficiency is not corrected, it increases the risk of osteomalacia, a softening of the bones associated with deformities, chronic pain and other complications. Furthermore, vitamin deficiency can lead to secondary diseases such as scurvy, beri-beri, Korsakow syndrome, or anencephaly. Similarly, nerve pain and neurological deficits may occur. Vitamin A deficiency can cause xerophthalmia, which in advanced stages leads to blindness in the patient. Pregnant women who suffer from folic acid deficiency risk developing an open back in their child. The effects of such spina bifida can include deformity and muscle imbalances in the hip, knee and ankle joints. Spinal curvature occurs in about half of the children. When treating a vitamin deficiency, in the worst case scenario, poisoning may be caused by dietary supplements. Intravenous delivery of the deficient vitamins occasionally results in infection and injury.

When should you see a doctor?

If fatigue, dizziness, and other signs of vitamin deficiency occur, a visit to the doctor is recommended. There may be a serious underlying illness or eating habits may need to be adjusted under a doctor’s guidance. In any case, a vitamin deficiency should be clarified. For some vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D, the level of the vitamin in the body can be tested itself. Appropriate home tests are available from pharmacies or doctors. People suffering from eating disorders are particularly at risk for vitamin deficiency. Deficiencies also occur rapidly in older people and people with hemophilia. Anyone who belongs to these risk groups or suffers from another disease should inform their doctor immediately if they experience any unusual symptoms. The right contact person is the family doctor or an internist. In the case of eating disorders caused by psychological factors, a psychologist should be consulted. The nutritionist will draw up a diet plan together with the patient and give tips on how to improve everyday life. A vitamin deficiency manifests itself through clear symptoms. Paleness and fatigue indicate anemia, which must be clarified quickly. Headaches, dizziness and lack of concentration are clear signs of deficiency. If they occur for more than a few days at a time, the doctor must be consulted. Parents who notice signs of vitamin deficiency in their child talk to the pediatrician.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of vitamin deficiency is relatively easy. It can be successful via a change in eating habits. In certain forms of disease as a result of vitamin deficiency, it may be useful to take additional nutritional supplements.To prevent dangerous over- or underdoses of certain vitamins, they should be taken under medical supervision. With other vitamins, an excess is simply excreted. If the vitamin deficiency is not due to nutritional deficiencies but to organic diseases or absorption disorders, these must be treated.


For the prevention of vitamin deficiency, a diet rich in vital substances and varied, which contains all important nutrients, is sufficient. Known vitamin robbers such as white flour, sugar or stress should be reduced. Vitamin D can only be formed by sunlight, so a daily stay in fresh air is useful.


Successfully treated acute hypovitaminosis does not require complicated follow-up. If malnutrition or undernutrition causes the vitamin deficiency, the patient should work with a physician or, even better, a nutritionist to develop new guidelines for general nutrition. Compliance with these guidelines and their effectiveness must be monitored by regular blood tests in the laboratory. In this way, a renewed drop in the stabilized vitamin store can be counteracted at an early stage and successful further treatment can be ensured. The healing of dry and cracked skin, which is typical for vitamin deficiency, can additionally be supported with creams applied externally to the corresponding skin areas. Normally, however, these accompanying symptoms also regulate themselves just as quickly as the specific symptoms. Symptoms caused by hypovitaminosis disappear completely and of their own accord. Irreversible damage does not usually occur in industrialized countries such as Germany. Thus, apart from follow-up blood checks at regular intervals, no special aftercare measures need to be taken. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the body’s own vitamin stores have been completely replenished during treatment. In principle, adherence to preventive measures, i.e. an optimized diet and lifestyle, is at the same time the best aftercare.

What you can do yourself

In case of vitamin deficiency, the doctor should be consulted first. Accompanying this, some self-help measures can be taken. A slight vitamin deficiency can be compensated by changing the diet. The menu should include vitamin-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables. Lean fish, beans and whole grain products are also part of the diet, as these foods contain substances that help the body absorb vitamins. In case of severe vitamin deficiency, dietary supplements must be taken. The intake is best done in consultation with the doctor to avoid vitamin excess and allergic reactions. This should be accompanied by adequate sleep and rest. The body is usually very weakened in the case of a vitamin deficiency, which is why no strenuous sporting activities should be carried out. After a few weeks, the vitamin deficiency should be corrected. However, those affected should have another medical examination to be sure. After the deficiency has been corrected, sports may be resumed. Moderate physical activity stimulates the metabolism and contributes to the rapid absorption of vitamins. Accompanying this, attention must be paid to any warning signals from the body. In the case of severe fatigue, cardiovascular problems or depressive moods, there may already be an underlying severe deficiency that needs medical treatment.