Treatment of pancreatic insufficiency | Pancreatic insufficiency – You should know that!

Treatment of pancreatic insufficiency The treatment of pancreatic insufficiency is first and foremost about eliminating the cause as far as possible. Consequently, the consumption of alcohol should first be limited to an absolute minimum or, preferably, completely stopped. If a gallstone is the cause, it must be removed, which can be done in different ways … Treatment of pancreatic insufficiency | Pancreatic insufficiency – You should know that!

Diagnosis of pancreatic insufficiency | Pancreatic insufficiency – You should know that!

Diagnosis of pancreatic insufficiency The symptoms described by the patient and the physical examination usually provide the specialist with good indications for the diagnosis of pancreatic weakness. However, a clear test result is needed to confirm the suspicion. The stool sample provides this with relatively high reliability and relatively little effort. This is because it … Diagnosis of pancreatic insufficiency | Pancreatic insufficiency – You should know that!

Congenital Bilateral Aplasia of the Vas Deferens: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Congenital bilateral aplasia of the vas deferens is a congenital condition in which the male vas deferens is absent on both sides. The condition is often referred to by the abbreviation CBAVD and occurs either in isolation or in association with mild cystic fibrosis. Congenital bilateral aplasia of the vas deferens is inherited to children … Congenital Bilateral Aplasia of the Vas Deferens: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pancreatic insufficiency Symptoms

Synonyms Weakness of pancreatic function, reduced pancreatic function, insufficient production capacity of the pancreas, pancreatic insufficiency Synonyms in a broader sense weight loss, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dyspeptic complaints, diarrhoea, fatty stools, flatulence, diabetes General definition Functional weakness (insufficiency) is generally defined as the inability of an organ to perform its tasks adequately. The … Pancreatic insufficiency Symptoms

Symptoms of exocrine insufficiency | Pancreatic insufficiency Symptoms

Symptoms of exocrine insufficiency In exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, digestion-associated symptoms are the main focus. In a healthy state, the pancreas produces HCO3 (bicarbonate) to buffer the remaining gastric acid that is transported further, as well as various biocatalysts (enzymes) that break down (digest) the absorbed food into its components and thus enable the intestine to … Symptoms of exocrine insufficiency | Pancreatic insufficiency Symptoms

Pancreatic insufficiency

Synonyms in a broader sense Pancreatic insufficiency Definition Pancreatic insufficiency (pancreatic insufficiency) is a disease of the pancreas which, depending on its form, is associated with a reduced, insufficient production of important digestive enzymes or hormones. Causes Insufficiency of the pancreas can have a variety of causes, but they all have in common that they … Pancreatic insufficiency

Is pancreatic insufficiency curable? | Pancreatic insufficiency

Is pancreatic insufficiency curable? Pancreatic insufficiency is no longer curable. The course and severity of the symptoms can be improved by a good treatment of the symptoms with appropriate medication containing digestive enzymes, an adapted diet with the aim of weight gain and a sufficient energy supply. However, the symptoms will not disappear completely. A … Is pancreatic insufficiency curable? | Pancreatic insufficiency


Definition In medicine, a volvulus is a rotation of a section of the digestive tract around its own axis. The rotation causes the blood vessels supplying the affected section to be pinched, thus reducing or completely interrupting the supply of oxygen. The consequences can range from intestinal obstruction to the death of the affected area … Volvulus

Symptoms | Volvulus

Symptoms Symptoms of an acute volvulus are cramp-like abdominal pain, a bloated abdomen, vomiting (greenish), diarrhea (sometimes bloody), peritonitis and shock. A chronically recurrent volvulus is manifested by a reduced absorption of food components (malabsorption), unspecific abdominal pain and constipation in the child. Diagnosis Diagnosis is mainly based on imaging procedures such as an X-ray … Symptoms | Volvulus