Numbness in the finger

Definition In the case of numbness in the finger, a sensory disturbance leads to reduced sensory perception in this area. Sensitive stimuli from this skin area are no longer transmitted to the brain. Therefore this skin area feels like “numb” for the patient. Sometimes an unpleasant tingling sensation also occurs. In this case there is … Numbness in the finger

Diagnosis | Numbness in the finger

Diagnosis The anamnesis is important for the diagnosis. The patient reports numbness in the finger. Then the doctor will ask about other accompanying symptoms and existing neurological or orthopedic accompanying diseases. In this way, the cause of the numbness can be better localized. The medical history is followed by a physical examination. The physician examines … Diagnosis | Numbness in the finger

Driving with Meniere’s disease? | Meniere’s disease

Driving with Meniere’s disease? People suffering from Meniere’s disease are only partially suitable for driving a car due to disturbances in their balance. The big problem here is that the dizzy spells sometimes occur without a sign. They are therefore also unpredictable and can therefore surprise the driver during a journey. For this reason, those … Driving with Meniere’s disease? | Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease

Synonyms in a broader sense Menière’s disease; inner ear dizziness, sudden hearing loss, vertigo, organ of balance English: Menière’s disease Definition Menière’s disease Menière’s disease is a disease of the inner ear and was first and impressively described in 1861 by the French physician Prosper Menière. Meniere’s disease is characterized by an increased accumulation of … Meniere’s disease

Therapy | Meniere’s disease

Therapy The treatment of Menière’s disease is still strongly discussed from today’s point of view. The reason for this is that the exact cause which led to the development of the disease is largely unknown. However, the pathomechanism, i.e. the active form of the disease, is understood and can be treated, so that the patient’s … Therapy | Meniere’s disease

Dysphagia | These are the consequences of a stroke!

Dysphagia Swallowing disorders occur relatively frequently as a result of hemiplegia caused by a stroke. Those affected have problems swallowing food and keeping liquids in their mouth. If the disorder is severe, inadequate therapy can result in malnutrition and dehydration. However, it is more dangerous if swallowing disorders are caused by nerve cell death in … Dysphagia | These are the consequences of a stroke!

Hearing deterioration and deafness | These are the consequences of a stroke!

Hearing deterioration and deafness In the course of a stroke, damage to nerve cells can lead to a deterioration of hearing or complete hearing loss. In both cases it is a so-called sensorineural hearing loss, which means that although acoustic stimuli can be correctly perceived and are transmitted through the auditory nerve, the processing of … Hearing deterioration and deafness | These are the consequences of a stroke!