Femoral neck

Introduction The thigh bone (also: femur) is the longest bone in the human body and provides a connection between the pelvis and the lower leg bone. It is connected to the other bones by the hip or knee joint. At the end of the hip, the thigh bone has a spherical shape, which is why … Femoral neck

Femoral neck angle | Femoral neck

Femoral neck angle The angle between the longitudinal axis of the femoral neck (also: collum femoris) and the longitudinal axis of the long part of the femur (also: diaphysis) is called the femoral neck angle. Alternatively, the term CCD angle (center-collum-diaphyseal angle) is used. This should ideally be 126° in healthy adults. If this is … Femoral neck angle | Femoral neck

These nasal sprays with cortisone are available | Nasal spray against an allergy

These nasal sprays with cortisone are available While still some years ago most Cortisone-containing nasal sprays were prescription only, many of these nasal sprays are to be acquired in the meantime freely for sale. However, there are still some exceptions. For example, when purchasing Nasonex ® Nasal Spray, Mometasone Fuorate ® Nasal Spray, Momegalen ® … These nasal sprays with cortisone are available | Nasal spray against an allergy

Burning in the esophagus

Diseases of the esophagus are quite common. Almost everyone feels a more or less intense burning sensation in the esophagus at least once in their lifetime. The reason for this can be a variety of different diseases. In most cases, the diseases that cause a burning sensation in the esophagus can be treated well with … Burning in the esophagus

Burning in the esophagus while eating | Burning in the esophagus

Burning in the esophagus while eating Burning pain in the esophagus after eating is very common and is usually caused by gastric juice rising into the esophagus. However, if the pain occurs while eating, this so-called reflux disease cannot be the reason. Rather, one should think of changes in the esophagus, which cause pain when … Burning in the esophagus while eating | Burning in the esophagus

Burning in the esophagus when swallowing | Burning in the esophagus

Burning in the esophagus when swallowing If the burning pain of the esophagus occurs mainly during swallowing, it is probably not heartburn due to a reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. It is more likely to have another cause, such as a viral or bacterial infection of the esophagus. This is particularly common in … Burning in the esophagus when swallowing | Burning in the esophagus

Burning in the esophagus during pregnancy | Burning in the esophagus

Burning in the esophagus during pregnancy During pregnancy a recurring burning of the esophagus may occur, although this has not previously caused any problems. Often a so-called reflux esophagitis is the cause. These are inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the esophagus caused by ascending gastric acid. The transition from the esophagus to the … Burning in the esophagus during pregnancy | Burning in the esophagus

Tips for avoiding sweating | How to avoid excessive sweating

Tips for avoiding sweating The way of life can also be considerably influenced by learned relaxation techniques and sweating in stressful situations can be avoided. Progressive muscle relaxation, relaxing breathing exercises or meditation can help to keep a cool head in stressful situations or fight anxiety. In some cases, however, sweating cannot be completely avoided. … Tips for avoiding sweating | How to avoid excessive sweating