The milk teeth | Anatomy tooth

The milk teeth The tooth of the deciduous dentition corresponds in its structure and form to that of the permanent dentition. Except that the premolars are missing, in their place are the milk molars. There are also no wisdom teeth. Due to the absence of a few teeth, the deciduous dentition consists of only 20 … The milk teeth | Anatomy tooth

Summary | Anatomy tooth

Summary The 32 teeth of the adult differ in both the shape of the crowns and the number of roots, depending on their tasks in eating and grinding. The tooth structure consists of three components, the enamel, the dentin and the pulp. The deciduous dentition consists of 20 teeth, which are identical in their anatomy … Summary | Anatomy tooth


General information The cheek-teeth serve mainly for the grinding of the food pre-crushed by the incisors. The molars are divided into two groups: Front molars (Dentes premolares, premolars) and the Rear molars (Dentes molars) The front molars (premolar) The anterior molar/premolar is also called premolar or bicuspid (from lat. to “twice” and cuspis “pointed”). In … Molar

Antibiotic for inflammation of the tooth root

Treatment of root canal inflammation with antibiotics If a tooth is suffering from an inflammation of the root, it is treated with a root canal treatment. Depending on the severity of the root inflammation, which is mostly caused by bacteria, the dentist prescribes an antibiotic in addition to his therapy, which is supposed to support … Antibiotic for inflammation of the tooth root

Which antibiotic should I use for root canal inflammation? | Antibiotic for inflammation of the tooth root

Which antibiotic should I use for root canal inflammation? Which antibiotic is chosen by the dentist depends on several factors. Allergies play an important role here. There are people who, for example, react allergic to the active substance penicillin with skin rash, shortness of breath or similar. If this is the case, it is essential … Which antibiotic should I use for root canal inflammation? | Antibiotic for inflammation of the tooth root

How long must the antibiotic be taken? | Antibiotic for inflammation of the tooth root

How long must the antibiotic be taken? In any case, the antibiotic should be taken as long as the dentist prescribes it. Since the dentist only uses this medication in severe cases, the medication must never be discontinued on its own! The length of time the antibiotic is taken depends on both the medication itself … How long must the antibiotic be taken? | Antibiotic for inflammation of the tooth root

Dental diagnostics

Diagnostics precede every therapy of a disease. Only when the cause of the disease has been identified can a targeted therapy be applied. This is also the case in dentistry. A precise anamnesis is an important prerequisite for dental diagnosis. At the first visit of a new patient, he is generally asked to fill out … Dental diagnostics

Teeth grinding in sleep

Introduction Teeth grinding during sleep takes place without conscious influence from the subconscious. Teeth grinding during sleep usually goes unnoticed at first by the person(s) concerned and is often only discovered by the life partners through sounds that occur. Untreated, complaints such as muscle pain, toothache or loss of enamel and thus sensitive teeth usually … Teeth grinding in sleep