Developmental steps during puberty | What happens in puberty?

Developmental steps during puberty During puberty, many physical changes slowly take place. The child’s body grows up to sexual maturity. The physical development of peers in puberty does not always happen simultaneously and can vary greatly in duration. It is controlled by hormones. In girls the female sex hormone estrogen predominates, in boys the male … Developmental steps during puberty | What happens in puberty?

How long do the changes take? | How does the vagina change after birth?

How long do the changes take? The regression of the loosening and dilation of the muscles can take several weeks to months. This depends, among other things, on the training condition of the pelvic floor muscles before birth and the training after birth. The vaginal canal can be permanently changed after a birth, but this … How long do the changes take? | How does the vagina change after birth?

What can be surgically restored? | How does the vagina change after birth?

What can be surgically restored? Due to weakness of the pelvic floor, especially after very traumatic births, genital organs such as the vagina or the uterus can descend. In addition, a weakness of the front or rear vaginal wall can cause the bladder or rectum to descend. If this cannot be treated with pelvic floor … What can be surgically restored? | How does the vagina change after birth?

U3 Examination

What is the U3? The U3 is the third preventive examination in childhood in which the child’s developmental stage is assessed and attention is paid to certain diseases. The examination is also an opportunity for parents to ask questions and obtain additional information about caring for their baby. The results are recorded in the yellow … U3 Examination

Procedure of the examination | U3 Examination

Procedure of the examination Preventive medical checkups usually follow a certain pattern, but this varies slightly from doctor to doctor. In most cases, an examination starts with a conversation in which the pediatrician asks the parents if they have noticed anything unusual or if they have other questions. Then the pediatrician contacts the child and … Procedure of the examination | U3 Examination


Introduction Thyroxine, or “T4”, is a hormone produced in the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones have a very broad spectrum of activity and are of great importance, especially for energy metabolism, growth and maturation. Since thyroid hormones, and thus also thyroxine, are subject to a superordinate and very complex control circuit and depend on the presence … Thyroxine

Thyroxine Synthesis | Thyroxine

Thyroxine Synthesis The synthesis of thyroxine takes place in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland absorbs iodine from the blood and transfers it to the so-called “thyroglobulin”. Thyreroglobulin is a chain-like protein found in the thyroid gland, which is the basis for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. When iodine is transferred, molecules with either three … Thyroxine Synthesis | Thyroxine

U6 Examination

What is the U6? The U6 examination is the sixth preventive examination in childhood. It is often referred to as a one-year examination, as it is usually performed by the pediatrician at the age of 10 – 12 months. In addition to the general basic health examination, the main focus is on the examination and … U6 Examination

What is the procedure of the U6? | U6 Examination

What is the procedure of the U6? The U6 examination includes a clear structure so that a comprehensive assessment of the entire child’s developmental state during the first year of life can be made. Through a conversation with the parents, the pediatrician first attempts to gain a rough overview of the baby’s development to date. … What is the procedure of the U6? | U6 Examination