Proper use of Devil’s Claw

What effect does devil’s claw have? The bulbous, dried storage roots of African devil’s claw contain bitter substances (iridoid glycosides, including harpagoside as the main component), phenylethanol derivatives and secondary plant substances such as flavonoids. The ingredients have anti-inflammatory, weak analgesic, appetite stimulating and bile flow promoting effects. As a traditional herbal medicine, the medicinal … Proper use of Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw: Dosage

Devil’s claw root can be taken in the form of tea, capsules, tablets, effervescent tablets and powder. The dry extract preparations should contain a declared content of 200-480 mg of devil’s claw per gram of the preparation. Devil’s claw tea is also offered in filter bags in the group of antirheumatics and analgesics (painkillers). Devil’s … Devil’s Claw: Dosage

Devil’s Claw: Health Benefits, Medicinal Uses, Side Effects

African devil’s claw is native to the Kalahari regions of southern Africa (South Africa and Namibia). Experimental cultivations have been started, but the commercial product is still imported almost exclusively from wild collections. Medicinally, the dried and sliced secondary roots of the plant (Harpagophyti radix) are used. Devil’s claw: characteristics of the plant. Devil’s claw … Devil’s Claw: Health Benefits, Medicinal Uses, Side Effects

Home remedy against gout

Gout is a disease caused by a disturbance in the metabolism of uric acid. It leads to an increased attack of uric acid, which can no longer be excreted sufficiently via the kidneys. This leads to the formation of so-called urate crystals, which settle on various joints of the body and cause pain. The classic … Home remedy against gout

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? | Home remedy against gout

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? Whether or not treatment of gout is only possible with home remedies depends on the nature of the symptoms. In principle, the pain of an acute attack of gout can be alleviated with home remedies, but often an additional intake of painkillers … Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy? | Home remedy against gout

Knee Osteoarthritis

Symptoms Knee osteoarthritis manifests itself as knee pain, which occurs primarily during physical activity and when the joint is under stress. They are often triggered at the beginning of movement (start-up pain), when climbing stairs, when standing up or when walking longer distances. Other complaints include limitation of mobility and quality of life, instability, an … Knee Osteoarthritis

Devil’s Claw

Synonyms in a broader sense Devil’s claw root, Harpargophyti radix, Harpagophytum procumbens, Chondroprotektiva, Natural remedies, Agnesin forte, Allya, Arthrosettes, Bomarthros, Cefatec, Harpagosan tea, Barnacle ExplanationDefinition The healing effect of the devil’s claw (Harpargophyti radix) has been known in folk medicine for a long time. It contains iridoid-type bitter substances, procumbide and free cinnamic acid. They … Devil’s Claw

Dosage form | Devil’s Claw

Dosage form The devil’s claw is available in different dosage forms. It can be taken in the form of There is the devil’s claw in “pure form” or as a combination product with homeopathic active substances like: Tablets Effervescent tablets Capsules Drops (may contain alcohol! ) Powder Tea Ampoules for injection under the skin (subcutaneous), … Dosage form | Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw: Help for Aching Joints

For centuries, devil’s claw has been used in southwestern Africa against digestive problems, fever and to relieve pain. To Europe, however, the knowledge of the healing power of this plant came only about 100 years ago. The Latin name of the devil’s claw is Harpagophytum procumbens and refers to the taloned, barbed fruits. Translated, “Harpagos” … Devil’s Claw: Help for Aching Joints