Diabetic microangiopathy

Synonyms in a broader sense Sugar, diabetes, adult-onset diabetes, type I, type II, gestational diabetes. Diabetic microangiopathy Elevated blood sugar levels cause sugar to accumulate in the vessel walls, causing them to thicken and vascular occlusion. Especially the small vessels of the retina, kidneys and nervous system with their small diameter are affected. Late sequelae … Diabetic microangiopathy

Diabetic macroangiopathy | Diabetic microangiopathy

Diabetic macroangiopathy This complication is associated with early arteriosclerosis. Sugar, cholesterol and fats are deposited on the walls of the body’s large vessels, so that the vessels become narrower and the supply to the downstream organs deteriorates. This can result in a heart attack if the coronary arteries are affected by the disease process. If … Diabetic macroangiopathy | Diabetic microangiopathy