Chickenpox in adults

Definition Chickenpox (varicella) is a highly infectious disease that usually occurs in childhood and is therefore a typical childhood disease. Chickenpox is caused by the chickenpox virus (varicella zoster virus). During the normal course of the disease, high fever and a characteristic itchy rash (exanthema) appear all over the body. Whoever has had the disease … Chickenpox in adults

Diagnosis | Chickenpox in adults

Diagnosis As a rule, the diagnosis can be made by a doctor after talking to the patient and examining him or her on the basis of the typical symptoms. This applies to adults and children. In the case of atypical or very mild courses of disease, such as after vaccination (breakthrough varicella), the diagnosis can … Diagnosis | Chickenpox in adults

Treatment | Chickenpox in adults

Treatment Normally, an infection with chickenpox does not require treatment. Since more pronounced courses are more likely to occur in adults than in children, an assessment should be made by a doctor. Therapy against the actual chickenpox virus is advisable in adults (over 16 years of age) with pronounced symptoms, as severe courses are more … Treatment | Chickenpox in adults

What are the causes of testicular inflammation?

Introduction Inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) is a rather rare clinical picture that affects boys and men. In most cases the disease is caused by an infection. Via the various structures of the male genitalia – the blood vessels, lymphatic channels, the draining urinary tract or the spermatic duct – germs can enter the testicular … What are the causes of testicular inflammation?

Difference in causes in men and children | What are the causes of testicular inflammation?

Difference in causes in men and children An inflammation of the testicles affects mainly boys after puberty and men, whereas it occurs less frequently in children. One of the most common causes of testicular inflammation in men are sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea or syphilis. Condoms offer sufficient protection by reliably preventing the transmission … Difference in causes in men and children | What are the causes of testicular inflammation?

The tyrosine kinase

What is a tyrosine kinase? Tyrosine kinase is a specific group of enzymes that are functionally assigned to protein kinases in a biochemical sense. Protein kinases reversibly (possibility of back-reaction) transfer phosphate groups to the OH group (hydroxy group) of the amino acid tyrosine. The phosphate group is transferred to the hydroxy group of the … The tyrosine kinase

What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? | The tyrosine kinase

What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? The tyrosine kinase receptor represents a membrane-bound receptor, i.e. a receptor anchored in the cell membrane. Structurally, it is a receptor with a transmembrane complex. This means that the receptor passes through the entire cell membrane and also has an extra- and intracellular side. On the extracellular side, the … What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? | The tyrosine kinase

For which indications are they used? | The tyrosine kinase

For which indications are they used? Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are used for various malignant diseases. Imatinib is used in particular in chronic myeloid leukemia. Further applications are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), breast cancer and colon cancer. Due to the highly selective attack mechanism of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, they are generally better tolerated than conventional … For which indications are they used? | The tyrosine kinase

Urachus fistula

The “Urachus” is a duct that connects the bladder with the navel. At the beginning of the child’s development in the mother’s belly it is a real connection. At the end of the pregnancy this opening normally closes completely. In the case of an Urachus fistula this closure does not occur, so there is still … Urachus fistula

Diagnosis | Urachus fistula

Diagnosis In addition to a physical examination, an ultrasound is usually performed if a urachus fistula is suspected. In the best case, the images show the persistent passage between the bladder and the navel. Occasionally, other imaging procedures are also used if the images produced by the ultrasound machine do not allow for a meaningful … Diagnosis | Urachus fistula