Urethritis (Inflammation of the Urethra): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Urethritis, also known as urethritis in medical terminology, is an inflammation of the lining of the urethra. Men and women can be equally affected by this condition. What is urethritis? This inflammation of the urethral mucosa is divided into a specific and a non-specific form of the disease. The specific form of urethritis, however, is … Urethritis (Inflammation of the Urethra): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pain as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Pain as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? Pain is a common symptom of vaginal mycosis. Most often affected women describe the pain during urination and sexual intercourse. This is because the vaginal mycosis can lead to changes in the skin and mucous membrane in the genital and intimate areas. The otherwise moistening white flux (Fluor … Pain as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? Fever is not a classic symptom of vaginal mycosis. As a rule, fever means that the body has to fight an inflammation, which is usually not the case with vaginal mycosis. If skin changes in the intimate area occur in combination with fever, a medical examination should also … Fever as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? The appearance of rash is usually accompanied by an allergic reaction. For example, a rash in the area of the vagina can indicate an allergy to a detergent used or be caused by wearing new, unwashed underwear. A joint occurrence with a vaginal fungus is possible, but does … Rash as a symptom of vaginal mycosis? | Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

Contraceptive Ring

Products The progestin etonogestrel and the estrogen ethinylestradiol are commercially available in the form of a vaginal contraceptive ring (NuvaRing). The drug has been approved in many countries since 2003. Generics have also been registered since 2017. Whether the contraceptive ring needs to be stored in the refrigerator depends on the product. Meanwhile, medicines are … Contraceptive Ring

Spotting in early pregnancy | Lubricating bleeding

Spotting in early pregnancy In early pregnancy spotting is not uncommon. Especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, repeated spotting is common and usually no cause for concern. In most cases, hormonal fluctuations at the beginning of pregnancy are responsible for the bleeding. These then often occur at the time when the period would normally … Spotting in early pregnancy | Lubricating bleeding

Spotting after sexual intercourse | Lubricating bleeding

Spotting after sexual intercourse Vaginal intercourse logically leads to mechanical irritation in the female genital tract. In general, there should be no bleeding. However, various diseases can lead to spotting during sexual intercourse. These are also called contact bleeding. They are usually harmless, but are understandably perceived as disturbing. Repeated contact bleeding, however, should be … Spotting after sexual intercourse | Lubricating bleeding

Lubricating bleeding

Definition In medical terminology, spotting is also known as spotting. It is a collective term for weak vaginal bleeding in women, which can occur in a variety of diseases and disorders. However, spotting does not necessarily hide an illness, it can also occur naturally. An example of this is ovulation bleeding, also called mid-cycle bleeding, … Lubricating bleeding

Lubricating bleeding before the period | Lubricating bleeding

Lubricating bleeding before the period Lubricating bleeding that occurs before the period is also called premenstrual lubricating bleeding or pre-bleeding. Probably the most common cause of such prebleeding is a weakness of the corpus luteum (corpus luteum insufficiency). Due to hormonal disorders, the corpus luteum does not mature properly in the second half of the … Lubricating bleeding before the period | Lubricating bleeding