Spotting after sexual intercourse | Lubricating bleeding

Spotting after sexual intercourse

Vaginal intercourse logically leads to mechanical irritation in the female genital tract. In general, there should be no bleeding. However, various diseases can lead to spotting during sexual intercourse.

These are also called contact bleeding. They are usually harmless, but are understandably perceived as disturbing. Repeated contact bleeding, however, should be clarified by a doctor.

The most common cause of contact bleeding is strong mechanical stress during intercourse. These can be caused by special positions, practices or even vaginal dryness. Possible causes include endometriosis, cervical ectopy or endometrial carcinoma.

Cervical cancer can also be associated with contact bleeding after sexual intercourse. Furthermore, some infections of the female genital tract are accompanied by contact bleeding. During pregnancy, spotting after sexual intercourse is also not uncommon. However, the cause is often harmless. Mostly it is caused by the increased sensitivity of the cervix.

Lubrication bleeding with spiral

The IUD is a common contraceptive device that has both advantages and disadvantages. A possible side effect of hormonal coils is spotting. They are harmless, but are often perceived as very annoying. Bleeding can also occur with other hormonal contraceptives and can normalize once the hormone level has settled down. If this is not the case, you can consider changing your contraceptive.Inserting the spiral can also cause slight bleeding.

Bleeding after scraping

Scraping, also called curettage, is a common gynecological procedure that is performed for various reasons. It is used both for diagnostic purposes, for example when cancer is suspected, and for therapy. A common reason is a miscarriage or amnioticide.

In addition, in case of an abortion, a scraping is performed. After a scraping, slight spotting is normal. Due to the mechanical irritation of the uterine mucosa, small bleedings cannot be avoided. Heavy bleeding, however, is a complication and should not occur.