Duration of Quincke’s edema | The Quincke edema

Duration of Quincke’s edema Quincke’s edema develops acutely over a few seconds to minutes. With immediate therapy, it usually subsides within a few minutes. It is therefore an acute event overall. However, hereditary or idiopathic Quincke’s edema in particular can occur repeatedly and therefore lead to chronic recurrence, whereas allergic Quincke’s edema can be prevented … Duration of Quincke’s edema | The Quincke edema

The Quincke edema

Quincke’s edema, also known as “angioneurotic edema” or angioedema, is an acute swelling of the skin and mucous membrane. This can sometimes affect the subcutaneous connective tissue and subcutaneous fatty tissue. It is an acute and non-painful swelling that can have both allergic and non-allergic causes. Quincke’s edema is therefore not an independent clinical picture, … The Quincke edema

A blood clot in the head

What’s a blood clot in the head? The formation of blood clots in injuries and wounds is a vital reaction of our body. This leads to a rapid hemostasis. When we bleed, the body automatically and immediately ensures that the source of bleeding is sealed with a blood clot. This clot is also called a … A blood clot in the head

Treatment | A blood clot in the head

Treatment The therapy of a blood clot in the head consists primarily of correcting the circulatory problem caused by the clot. This is primarily done by so-called lysis therapy, in which a drug is introduced into the body’s circulation via the vein, which dissolves blood clots. This drug is called rtPA (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator). … Treatment | A blood clot in the head

Course of disease | A blood clot in the head

Course of disease The course of the disease is individual. How long one stays in hospital after successful therapy depends strongly on the general condition of the patient and his or her regeneration. Rehabilitation treatment usually follows. Here, various disciplines work together to make the patient fit for everyday life again. Physiotherapists and occupational therapists … Course of disease | A blood clot in the head

First aid

First aid refers to assistance in emergencies by the first person to reach the scene of an accident or emergency. This is not about professional help by rescue services, but about actions that every single person can perform. Since the rescue service can only be on site after a few minutes, first aid is the … First aid

Emergency numbers | First aid

Emergency numbers Europe-wide the emergency service can be reached via the number 112. Although there are other telephone numbers in some countries, 112 always leads to fire department control centers in Europe. The police can also receive emergency calls via the 110 numbers and forward them to the fire department. In other vacation countries you … Emergency numbers | First aid