10 Smart Drinking Tips for Hot Days

Our body consists of over 50 percent water. Among other things, the water in the body is responsible for regulating body temperature and thus protects the body from overheating. That’s why it’s especially important to drink plenty on hot summer days. Because through increased sweating, the body loses a large part of the absorbed fluid again. However, it is not only important how much you drink, but also what and at what intervals. We have compiled the best 10 drinking tips for hot summer days for you.

1) Drink enough

In general, it is recommended to consume between 1.5 and 2 liters of fluid per day. However, at high temperatures above 30 degrees, the need for fluids can increase significantly, as well as during sports activities. In hot summer weather, you should consume about twice the recommended amount. When exercising, it is recommended to consume 0.5 to 1 liter of water per hour, depending on the intensity of the workout.

2) Drink regularly

Make sure you hydrate your body at regular intervals. If you do not drink anything throughout the day, you will not be able to make up for the fluid deficit by drinking a large bottle of water in the evening. This is because excess water is simply excreted again. Ideally, you should drink a small glass of water (150 milliliters) every hour throughout the day. In this way, the body is constantly supplied with fluid and a feeling of thirst does not arise in the first place. Because if you feel thirsty, there is already a fluid deficit in the body.

3) Drink the right thing

Especially in warm summer temperatures, it is not only important how much you drink, but also what you drink. Tap water or mineral water is best, as it effectively quenches thirst and also contains no calories. In addition, unsweetened herbal teas are also good thirst quenchers. For those who prefer a little more flavor, diluted vegetable and fruit juices are recommended. However, you should avoid sticky soft drinks. These contain lots of sugar and calories and can only be utilized slowly for fluid balance. Thus, they can increase the feeling of thirst even more.

4) Spice up water

If you don’t like drinking water as much because it doesn’t really have a taste of its own, you can easily change that. Just add a few slices of lemon or orange to your water and it will have a delicious fruity and refreshing taste. Also good for spicing up mineral water are lemon balm as well as fresh peppermint.

5) Better no alcohol

The hotter it is, the sooner you should avoid alcoholic beverages. Because alcohol does not quench thirst and can additionally have a diaphoretic effect. In addition, alcohol makes especially in the summer flabby and tired. So give up beer, wine and the like and treat yourself to a refreshing fruit juice spritzer instead. By the way: In addition to alcohol, you should also avoid large amounts of coffee on hot days.

6) Warm or cold?

Especially at temperatures beyond 30 degrees Celsius, we long for an ice-cold refreshment. But be careful: drinks from the refrigerator can be a strain on the circulation. The greater the difference between body temperature and the temperature of the drink, the more the body has to work. This can cause the body to heat up even more. In addition, drinks that are too cold can cause stomach problems. Therefore, lukewarm teas are ideal for hot summer days – even if this is probably not everyone’s cup of tea. However, try in any case to avoid too many ice cubes in your drinks.

7) Make up for fluid deficit in the morning.

During the night, the body loses about half a liter of fluid through sweating. Due to the loss of water, you often wake up in the morning feeling thirsty. To ensure that you start the day optimally prepared, it is best to compensate for the overnight fluid deficit directly in the morning by drinking a large glass of water or diluted fruit juice.

8) Eat fruit instead of drinking

Many people do not find it easy to drink 1.5 or even 2 liters of water every day. They get especially in the summer, when the need for fluid is increased, problems. However, you can easily boost your fluid balance by increasingly reaching for water-rich foods. These include, for example:

  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Melons
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple
  • Peaches

9) Compensate for mineral losses

In warm weather, the body loses not only water when sweating, but also a lot of minerals. Be sure to replace these losses as well by adjusting your drinking habits. Athletically active people, for example, can make use of special electrolyte solutions. However, a vegetable broth or a lightly salted tea in combination with a healthy diet is also sufficient to bring the mineral balance back into balance.

10) Drinking too much is not healthy

In the summer, it is important in high temperatures that you drink a lot, however, you should also not overdo it. Because if you drink too much, you are probably not doing your health any good. Large amounts of fluid put more strain on the heart and kidneys. In addition, excessive water consumption can lead to life-threatening disorders of the mineral balance. Such disturbances are very rare. Nevertheless, remember not to overdo it with drinking!