Serotonin Syndrome | Serotonin

Serotonin Syndrome Serotonin can be administered in small doses as a medication if someone is suffering from depression, for example. However, if the approved daily dose that can be taken is exceeded or if serotonin can no longer be broken down correctly or completely, it accumulates in the body and triggers the serotonin syndrome. Syndrome … Serotonin Syndrome | Serotonin

Serotonin vs. dopamine | Serotonin

Serotonin vs. dopamine Dopamine is another neurotransmitter of the brain. It is found in the basal ganglia and the limbic system, where it is involved in thought and perception processes and plays an important role in controlling movement.On the one hand, serotonin and dopamine are active as neurotransmitters, in different areas of the brain with … Serotonin vs. dopamine | Serotonin


Introduction Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) is a tissue hormone and a neurotransmitter (transmitter of nerve cells). Definition Serotonin is a hormone and neurotransmitter, i.e. messenger substance of the nervous system. Its biochemical name is 5-hydroxy-tryptophan, which means that serotonin is a derivative, i.e. derivative of the amino acid tryptophan. The effect of a hormone and neurotransmitter always … Serotonin


Introduction Endorphins (endomorphins) are neuropeptides, i.e. proteins produced by nerve cells. The name “endorphin” means “endogenous morphine“, which means the body’s own morphines (painkillers). There are three different types of hormones, whereby beta-endorphins are the best studied: The following description refers to beta-endorphins. Alpha-Endorphins Beta-Endorphins Gamma-Endorphins Education The endorphins are formed in the hypothalamus and … Endorphins

Function | Endorphins

Function Endorphins have analgesic (analgesic) and calming effects, making people less sensitive to stress. They promote hunger, play a part in the production of sex hormones and have a positive effect on deep and peaceful sleep. In addition, the endorphins influence vegetative processes such as body temperature or intestinal motility. A strengthening modulation of the … Function | Endorphins

Serotonin Syndrome

Definition The serotonin syndrome, also called serotoninergic syndrome, is a life-threatening condition caused by an excess of the messenger substance serotonin. This life-threatening excess is caused by an overdose of medication or an unfavorable combination of different drugs. Serotonin syndrome leads to symptoms such as fever, muscular hyperactivity and psychiatric changes. The most important differential … Serotonin Syndrome

Diagnosis | Serotonin Syndrome

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a serotonin syndrome is made clinically. This means that no special examinations, such as laboratory tests, are necessary to make the diagnosis. The patient’s symptoms alone (see section on accompanying symptoms) and knowledge of his or her medication are sufficient to make a diagnosis of serotonin syndrome, which requires immediate action. … Diagnosis | Serotonin Syndrome

Therapy | Serotonin Syndrome

Therapy The most important measure to be taken if serotonin syndrome is suspected is to stop all medication that may cause it immediately. These include in particular antidepressants, but also certain painkillers (opioids such as tramadol, methadone, fentanyl, pethidine), drugs for nausea of the setron type (ondansetron, granisetron), the antibiotic linezolid and migraine drugs such … Therapy | Serotonin Syndrome