Pimples on the buttocks

Definition – What is a pustule on the buttocks? A pus pimple is a small cavity in the skin filled with purulent secretion. In dermatology, pus pimples are counted among the so-called primary skin changes (technical term: primary florescences). Although it is generally possible that the secretion inside the pus pimple is sterile, a pus … Pimples on the buttocks

What additional measures can be taken even in case of a pus pimple on the buttocks ? | Pimples on the buttocks

What additional measures can be taken even in case of a pus pimple on the buttocks ? People who regularly suffer from pus pimples on their buttocks often ask themselves what they can do in the long term to combat this problem. For most of the people affected, a pus pimple on the buttocks can … What additional measures can be taken even in case of a pus pimple on the buttocks ? | Pimples on the buttocks

Pus pimples on the buttocks of babies/infants/children | Pimples on the buttocks

Pus pimples on the buttocks of babies/infants/children Especially children, toddlers and babies are particularly often affected by small pus pimples on the buttocks. If this form of rash occurs only as an isolated pus pimple on the buttocks, there is usually no reason for concern. However, pus pimples can also appear on entire areas of … Pus pimples on the buttocks of babies/infants/children | Pimples on the buttocks

How can the sebaceous glands on the nipple be expressed? | Sebaceous gland on the eye

How can the sebaceous glands on the nipple be expressed? The nipples are a region of the body with a high density of sebaceous glands. These can become clogged when secretions are abundant. This is usually visible from the outside as a white-yellowish spot in the areola and also forms a small elevation. Similar to … How can the sebaceous glands on the nipple be expressed? | Sebaceous gland on the eye

Clogged sebaceous glands in the eye | Sebaceous gland on the eye

Clogged sebaceous glands in the eye Blockages of individual sebaceous glands in the eye are usually not noticeable and usually disappear on their own. However, if there are persistent obstructions in the drainage of glandular secretions, this is often manifested by an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid, a so-called blepharitis (inflammation of the … Clogged sebaceous glands in the eye | Sebaceous gland on the eye

What do lumps on the edge of the eyelid indicate? | Sebaceous gland on the eye

What do lumps on the edge of the eyelid indicate? Nodules on the edge of the eyelid or the sebaceous glands can have various causes. If there is redness and accompanying pain, it may be an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, a so-called barleycorn. If the swelling is rather painless and not reddened, the cause … What do lumps on the edge of the eyelid indicate? | Sebaceous gland on the eye