Definition | Physiotherapy to treat a tennis elbow

Definition The so-called tennis elbow, or epicondylopathia or epicondylitis lateralis, is one of the most common symptoms of the elbow. More precisely, it is an irritation of the tendon attachment of the muscles of the forearm and hand (so-called extensors). These muscles start with their tendons on the outside of the elbow, the epicondylus lateralis … Definition | Physiotherapy to treat a tennis elbow

Differential diagnoses | Physiotherapy to treat a tennis elbow

Differential diagnoses Besides an irritation of the tendon attachment as in tennis elbow, pain in the elbow area can also have other causes. Possible causes include impingement syndrome, instability, radial tunnel syndrome or bursitis (inflammation of the bursa). In the worst case, a tumor can be the trigger for the pain, but this rarely occurs. … Differential diagnoses | Physiotherapy to treat a tennis elbow

Common diseases | Semimembranous muscle (M. semimembranosus)

Common diseases The hemi-tendon muscle can be affected by damage to the sciatic nerve (“sciatic nerve”). The nerve that supplies it (tibial nerve) originates from the sciatic nerve. If there is serious damage, the entire ischio-crucial musculature on the back of the thigh can fail. As a result, the anterior thigh muscles of the opponents … Common diseases | Semimembranous muscle (M. semimembranosus)

Torn tendon in the shoulder

Definition The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint that is almost completely surrounded, guided, moved and stabilized by muscles. The muscle that has a significant influence on the mobility of the shoulder is the so-called “rotator cuff“. The rotator cuff, together with the biceps muscle and numerous other muscles and ligaments, enables the many movements in … Torn tendon in the shoulder

Diagnosis | Torn tendon in the shoulder

Diagnosis The diagnosis begins with a detailed interview and physical examination of the patient. Pain in combination with typical movement restrictions already indicate damage to the tendons of the shoulder. Depending on the affected tendon, different movements in the shoulder are restricted. An experienced orthopedist can then use an ultrasound examination to detect inflammation, degenerative … Diagnosis | Torn tendon in the shoulder

Indications and procedure of an operation | Torn tendon in the shoulder

Indications and procedure of an operation Shoulder pain can be caused by torn tendons, tendon inflammation, calcification, constrictions under the acromion, wear and tear and numerous other diseases. If the pain persists for a longer period of time even after the joint has been spared and immobilized, surgery is often necessary. With the help of … Indications and procedure of an operation | Torn tendon in the shoulder

Torn tendon on finger

Definition A tendon tear is the tear of a tendon due to rapid overloading. The tendon cannot adapt to the load and is injured as a result. Tendons are the connecting elements between muscles and bones and therefore have an important function in the muscle power applied for movement, which is “transferred” to the bone … Torn tendon on finger