Myopia in children

Introduction In many cases hereditary, myopia can also become apparent in childhood. Treatment methods are usually successful if therapy is started early and depend on the age and degree of childhood myopia. What does myopia in children mean? Nearsightedness is the most common type of ametropia in ophthalmology and can affect adults and children alike, … Myopia in children

Vitreous hemorrhage

Synonyms Medical: Intravitreal bleeding Definition vitreous hemorrhage A vitreous hemorrhage is the penetration of blood into the vitreous cavity of the eye. This is located behind the lens of the eye. Depending on the amount of blood entering during a vitreous hemorrhage, it can cause varying degrees of symptoms. At the beginning, the patient notices … Vitreous hemorrhage

Varifocals: Applications & Health Benefits

Varifocals combine the correction of nearsightedness and farsightedness. They have a special design in which the visual ranges for near and far vision are individually ground into each lens. Especially for nearsighted people with incipient presbyopia, progressive glasses are a helpful development. What are varifocals? Varifocals belong to the so-called multi-focal glasses. These glasses have … Varifocals: Applications & Health Benefits

Laser therapy for myopia

Introduction About a quarter of the over 40-year-olds suffer from short-sightedness (myopia) and this frequency is increasing steadily, especially in the industrialized countries. As a nearsighted person, nearby objects can still be clearly recognized, while those further away become blurred. This is due to the fact that the eyeball has grown too long (axial myopia) … Laser therapy for myopia

Optic atrophy

Synonyms (Opticus = optic nerve; atrophy = decrease in cell size, decrease in cell count) Death of the optic nerve, optic nerve atrophy Definition Optic atrophy Optic atrophy is the loss of nerve cells in the optic nerve. The nerve cells either decrease in size or in number. Both are possible. Atrophy can have various … Optic atrophy


Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Myopia astigmatism, astigmatism, farsightedness Definition Nearsightedness Nearsightedness (myopia) refers to a type of ametropia in which the relationship between refractive power and the length of the eyeball is not correct. Strictly speaking, the eyeball is too long (axial myopia) or the refractive power is too strong (refractive myopia). The … Myopia

Forms of myopia | Myopia

Forms of myopia There are two types of myopia: Myopia simplex begins around the age of 10 and comes to a halt at around 20 years of age. Myopia maligna progresses permanently. Myopia simplex Myopia maligna. SymptomsComplaints Signs of illness (symptoms) are mainly problems with distant vision, especially at night. Sometimes strabismus convergens can also … Forms of myopia | Myopia

Prognosis myopia | Myopia

Prognosis myopia Myopia can be well treated by the above mentioned therapy options. From the age of 30 onwards, myopia usually comes to a standstill or progresses very slowly. Nevertheless, nearsighted persons should have themselves examined regularly by an ophthalmologist (specialist for ophthalmology), since myopia involves further dangers, such as a detached retina. Signs of … Prognosis myopia | Myopia