Pedicure yourself | Pedicure

Pedicure yourself Many patients want to do their chiropody themselves instead of going to a pedicurist or podiatrist. Even when it comes to corneal removal, many patients prefer home chiropody to professional chiropody. There are some things that should be considered. First of all, it is important that patients who want to do their own … Pedicure yourself | Pedicure

Cosmetic foot care | Pedicure

Cosmetic foot care Cosmetic foot care, i.e. pedicure, is not legally protected and can be learned through weekend training. Therefore a cosmetic chiropody may only: There are numerous Beauty and Wellnesstudios, which offer foot care in different extent and price ranges. Health insurance companies do not carry the costs of the cosmetic chiropody in principle. … Cosmetic foot care | Pedicure

Conclusion | Pedicure

Conclusion Carried out at weekly intervals, the feet look permanently well-groomed. The positive side effect is that you pay more attention to your feet, which have to carry our entire body weight every day. If you take care of your feet regularly, pathological changes such as eczema, athlete’s foot, warts, ingrown toenails or injuries are … Conclusion | Pedicure

Why Our Feet Need Foot Care

What is this: two arcs that form a triangle and consist of 26 parts? Clearly: the foot! This marvel of biomechanics works in tandem to help us walk safely upright, maintain balance, and carry our full weight through life day after day. On average, humans circle the earth four times in the course of their … Why Our Feet Need Foot Care

SOS Tips for Foot Problems

Our feet carry us through the world, in all weathers and not infrequently squeezed into tight, oppressive footwear. Therefore, it is no wonder that they can fall ill in a variety of ways. Thus, foot problems such as warts on the balls of the feet, foot pain while walking or athlete’s foot often occur. What … SOS Tips for Foot Problems

Cold Feet: What to Do?

Cold feet and cold hands often plague us during the cold season. Women in particular often crawl into bed with icy feet in winter. But cold feet are not only unpleasant. Sometimes there are also illnesses behind the complaints. If the feet constantly get cold even in summer, the reasons should be clarified by a … Cold Feet: What to Do?

Hereditary angioedema

Definition – what is hereditary angioedema? Angioedema is a swelling of the skin and/or mucous membrane that can occur acutely and particularly in the area of the face and respiratory tract. It can last for several days. A distinction is made between a hereditary and a non-hereditary form. Hereditary means hereditary, inherited or congenital. Hereditary … Hereditary angioedema

Associated symptoms | Hereditary angioedema

Associated symptoms The typical symptoms of hereditary angioedema are recurrent swelling of the skin (especially on the face) and/or the mucous membrane in the gastrointestinal tract or in the respiratory tract. Possible signs of an approaching attack (prodromia) may include symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion, increased thirst, aggression and depressive mood. This is followed by … Associated symptoms | Hereditary angioedema

Course of the disease hereditary angioedema | Hereditary angioedema

Course of the disease hereditary angioedema Hereditary angioedema most often manifests itself by the age of 10. A later first manifestation is rather rare. In the further course of the disease, recurrent attacks with swelling or gastrointestinal complaints occur. In some patients only skin swelling occurs, in others only gastrointestinal symptoms. The frequency of attacks … Course of the disease hereditary angioedema | Hereditary angioedema

How does hereditary angioedema differ from “normal” angioedema? | Hereditary angioedema

How does hereditary angioedema differ from “normal” angioedema? Angioedema is a symptom that occurs in the context of two different diseases. The strict differentiation of the two clinical pictures is important because the development and also the treatment of the diseases are clearly different. While hereditary angioedema is a hereditary disease caused by a lack … How does hereditary angioedema differ from “normal” angioedema? | Hereditary angioedema