Cold Feet: What to Do?

Cold feet and cold hands often plague us during the cold season. Women in particular often crawl into bed with icy feet in winter. But cold feet are not only unpleasant. Sometimes there are also illnesses behind the complaints. If the feet constantly get cold even in summer, the reasons should be clarified by a doctor. Otherwise, there are various tips and tricks to help the cold feet again and contribute to a better well-being. Read here what helps against ice feet.

Where do ice feet come from?

Cold feet can have many causes. Some are harmless, others require medical treatment. One of the most common causes is cold from the outside. Therefore, feet cool down quickly as soon as the cold season arrives. When the temperatures drop, our body tries to supply all the important organs and protect them from the cold. To keep the brain, heart and all other organs warm, heat is extracted from the feet and hands and redistributed. The organism can regulate the heat independently by constricting the vessels and thus throttling the transport of warm blood towards the hands and feet. The constricted vessels are less supplied with blood, and the fingers and toes cool down. Therefore, in autumn and winter it is helpful against cold to put on thick socks and gloves. In extreme situations with very low temperatures, unprotected limbs may even die due to blood deprivation.

Other causes of cold feet

In addition to cold, wetness can also cause ice clots on feet and hands. Wet skin causes what is known as evaporative cold, when the cold moisture on the skin dissipates heat to the outside. Again, the body reacts by constricting blood vessels. People who have to struggle more with sweaty feet therefore usually also suffer more frequently from cold toes. In addition, clothing plays a role: tight shoes or socks with tight cuffs press on the blood vessels and are thus an obstacle to adequate blood circulation. Frosty temperatures with wetness and inappropriate clothing are therefore typical causes of cold feet and hands.

Why do women in particular suffer from cold feet?

Ice feet occur mainly in women – about eight out of ten women are affected. Men are generally less likely to suffer because they have a greater percentage of muscle – and muscle generates body heat because using muscle consumes energy. However, only about 20 to 30 percent of the energy is used for muscular work. The rest is available as body heat. While the male body consists of about 40 percent muscle, the figure for women is about 23 percent. Accordingly, the female organism generates less body heat and cold hands and feet are more common. Women also often have a lower body mass than men. Therefore, they have a different ratio of body mass to surface area. This poorer ratio also causes women to lose more heat. To compensate for the disadvantage of losing more heat in the same amount of time, the female body concentrates heat distribution on the central organs. And because these are located in the center of the body, the hands and feet cool down faster.

9 tips against cold feet

But what helps now against cold feet? Why don’t you try the following tips?

  • Warm socks: Warm socks are a good insulation against cold and can prevent your feet from cooling down. Socks should be thick and loose fitting. Tight waistbands constrict blood vessels, making the problem worse.
  • Avoid sweaty feet: Wetness cools the feet even more. Therefore, the socks should be changed as soon as they have become damp due to sweat.
  • No tight shoes: a tight footwear presses on the vessels and worsens blood circulation. The result is cold feet.
  • Foot baths: rising foot baths followed by dry rub stimulate blood circulation and dilate constricted vessels. In the process, the foot bath should be heated by adding hot water gradually from about 33 to 40 degrees Celsius.
  • Hot water bottle: hot water bottles warm up chilled feet quickly and avoid ice feet in bed.
  • Foot massages: Gentle massages promote blood circulation. For this purpose, for example, a hedgehog ball can be used.
  • Toe exercises: In the office, even small exercises like wiggling your toes and circling your feet help.
  • Foot cream: creams with active ingredients that promote blood circulation can help warm up the feet.
  • Hot spices: Chili, pepper and ginger drive beads of sweat in our faces and can thus heat up the body properly. But also soups, stews or hot drinks boost blood circulation.

Prevent cold feet

Ice feet can be specifically prevented, especially by stimulating blood circulation. Vessels can be trained by alternating heat and cold. In summer, treading water is popular. The icy water makes the skin tingle and stimulates circulation. In winter, a short stay in the snow has the same effect. The feet should be dried and warmed immediately afterwards. Alternating baths or visits to the sauna also promote circulation. Foot exercises also have a preventive effect. One particularly effective exercise is picking up objects with the toes. To do this, drop a pencil, for example. To challenge the foot even more, the pen should be held with the toes for as long as possible. These tips also help to prevent cold feet:

  • Reduce animal products: The cholesterol in animal products promotes the development of vascular calcification, which affects blood circulation. Therefore, should be increased to fruits and vegetables.
  • Green vegetables: especially vitamin B protects the nerves, which are important for the regulation of heat and cold in our body. That’s why every menu should include enough green vegetables.
  • Drink enough water: if a lot is drunk, the blood can circulate better. A lack of fluid thickens the consistency of the blood.
  • No alcohol: Alcohol deprives the body of water and thus increases the symptoms.
  • Sports: Regular exercise promotes blood circulation.
  • Quit smoking: Nicotine constricts the vessels and is a risk factor for many diseases.

Cold feet as a warning signal

Cold feet often occur when blood circulation in the body is restricted. Initially, a tingling sensation is noticeable in the affected areas of the body. The tissues may also become discolored. The cause of impaired blood circulation may lie in blood vessels throughout the body. On the one hand, the condition of the blood vessels plays a role, on the other hand, the flow conditions. Therefore, cold feet can also be understood as a warning signal for diseases. If someone always suffers from cold feet, it may be advisable to have the cause clarified by a doctor.

Role of the blood vessels

Cold feet can be an indication of an impairment of the blood vessels. The following are examples of possible causes:

  • Low blood pressure: If the blood pressure is too low, the blood supply to the hands and feet may decrease.
  • Vascular calcifications: Vascular calcifications are also known as arteriosclerosis. Deposits in the vessels reduce blood flow. The deposits are caused by fats. In particular, cholesterol is considered responsible for the narrowing.

Other risk factors for arterial calcification are tobacco use, diabetes and stress. A healthy diet with few animal products can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Nerve disorders as a cause of cold feet

Nerves play an important role in our bodies. They sense external signals, such as touch, and transmit them to the brain. And they receive signals from the brain. Through the autonomic nervous system, the organism regulates blood flow using hormones. Nerve disorders can therefore affect the regulation of cold and heat. Diabetes, for example, can damage the nerves in the long term (diabetic neuropathy). In addition, hormonal disorders affect heat regulation. This includes hypothyroidism, among other things. Our psyche also affects the body. Through the autonomic nervous system and various hormones, mental ailments can affect circulation. Stress, depression and anxiety attacks are also such potential causes of cold feet.

Raynaud’s syndrome

If hands and feet are constantly freezing, Raynaud’s syndrome may be behind the discomfort. This is a vascular disorder that causes cramping, pain, and discoloration in the hands and feet. In addition to various medications, multiple sclerosis or carpal tunnel syndrome can trigger the condition.This form of circulatory disorder should definitely be examined by a physician.