Therapy with homeopathy | Joint cracking – How dangerous is that?

Therapy with homeopathy People who occasionally notice a cracking in the joints can find a first remedy by taking homeopathic medicines. However, depending on the frequency and severity of the cracking joints, treatment with homeopathy must be spread over a relatively long period of time. In homeopathy, it is assumed that a regular external supply … Therapy with homeopathy | Joint cracking – How dangerous is that?

Arthrosis in the finger joints

Osteoarthritis in the finger joints is a condition associated with pain when the joints are strained and nodular changes occur. It leads to an inflammation in the finger joints, which can occur naturally with age and often affects other joints, such as the knees. Familial predisposition or a permanent strain, for example from a manual … Arthrosis in the finger joints

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Arthrosis in the finger joints

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? How often and how long the home remedies should be used depends on the type of home remedy and the intensity of the symptoms.In general, most of the home remedies listed above can be used for several months. Ginger tea, for example, can be … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Arthrosis in the finger joints