Taping ankle joint

The ankle joint is put under enormous strain in many sports, and ligament injuries or torn tendons can cause instability and pain. But also simple twisting can cause pain in the ankle joint, which can negatively influence the mobility and resilience of the joint in everyday life and training. Tapes are used especially for muscle … Taping ankle joint

The Sporttape | Taping ankle joint

The Sporttape Sporttape is an umbrella term for various types of tapes. Roughly divided, there is inelastic sports tape, which is mostly used in sports competitions, and the elastic kinesiotape, which is used in many different applications. The inelastic sports tape has the advantage that it can effectively stabilize the ankle joint. Especially in competition … The Sporttape | Taping ankle joint

Exercises | Physiotherapy for ankle joint arthrosis

Exercises Physiotherapeutic exercises for ankle joint arthrosis should only be carried out in inflammation-free stages. They primarily serve to improve the mobility of the joint. Large, extensive movements continue to improve the blood circulation in the joint, and metabolic waste products can be better removed. Cartilage is nourished by the alternation of pressure and tension. … Exercises | Physiotherapy for ankle joint arthrosis

Exercises for the cervical spine without equipment | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises for the cervical spine without equipment Exercise 1: Starting position is the seat. The back is straight, the cervical spine stretched. The patient should pull his chin inwards, quasi a double chin. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat 10 times. The “chin-in” movement takes place in the upper cervical spine and causes … Exercises for the cervical spine without equipment | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises with the Flexibar | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises with the Flexibar Exercise for the lumbar spine: Starting position is the active stance. The feet stand firmly on the floor, knees are slightly bent, pelvis is pulled slightly backwards to straighten the lumbar spine, abdominal muscles are tensed, back remains straight, arms that hold the Flexibar are held at chest level with slightly … Exercises with the Flexibar | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises on the Balance-Pad | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises on the Balance-Pad Exercise 1: The patient steps on the Balance Pad with both feet and tries to stand without holding on. If this is successful, one leg is lifted and stretched backwards. Then the leg is pulled forward again at a 90° angle. Do not try to get into a hollow back and … Exercises on the Balance-Pad | Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

Exercises for spinal canal stenosis are aimed at minimizing the progression of the narrowing in the nerve canal. Exercises must therefore be performed that do not pull the lumbar and cervical spine backwards into an increased curvature but straighten these sections. Exercises for the lumbar spine without equipment Exercise 1: Lie on your stomach over … Spinal canal stenosis – simple exercises for at home

What equipment can/should I/we buy for training at home? | Back training with equipment

What equipment can/should I/we buy for training at home? If you want to do a training at home, you should think carefully about which purchases are really necessary and important. Especially for training at home there is usually not much space or storage space available. Therefore the desired equipment should be well chosen. In order … What equipment can/should I/we buy for training at home? | Back training with equipment