Ankle taping at soccer | Taping ankle joint

Ankle taping at soccer

Which tape bandage is most sensible in soccer depends on the individual player and his or her complaints. In both cases, care must be taken to ensure that the joint is not swollen, the tape is not uncomfortable or incised, the pain worsens or the skin under the tape dressing begins to itch. In the best case, a stabilizing leukotape should not be worn for more than a few hours.

A simple tape bandage with kinesiotape, which stabilizes the ankle joint, can look like this, for example Stick the first rein under traction directly onto the ankle joint, i.e. the transition between shin and foot. The second rein is stuck under the sole of the foot and pulled over the ankles on both sides. The third rein is started on the Achilles tendon and the two ends are attached to the outside and inside of the back of the foot.

  • If the ankle joint was injured and ligaments or tendons are to be protected, a bandage with inelastic leukotape is sometimes recommended to stabilize the joint and minimize the further risk of injury.
  • For joint or muscle pain without serious injury or for prevention, a kinesiotape can also be used, which does not restrict the freedom of movement as much.

Taping an ankle joint after a torn ligament

Not every torn ligament has to be treated surgically. Depending on the affected ligament and the resulting instability, it is either surgically refixed or conservatively treated. In both cases, partial weight-bearing is usually indicated first, during this time the affected person usually walks with crutches and a special splint is usually worn.

While the splint is worn, taping of the ankle joint is not advisable, since the splint takes over the stabilizing function. If the splint is removed and the load can be increased again, taping the ankle joint can be useful to prevent a new injury as long as the muscles are not rebuilt. Stable tape is usually used for this purpose to achieve the maximum stabilizing effect.

It is important not to wear the tape continuously in order to stress the muscles anyway. In addition, the joint should no longer be swollen, the tape should not cut into it and the foot should be moved regularly in all directions of movement permitted by the doctor to avoid stiffening.