Elderberry: Flowers against Colds

Even the ancient Greek physicians used elderberry as a medicinal herb. Diocurides, one of the most famous pharmacologists of antiquity, recommended the root of elderberry for dropsy and its leaves for inflammation. However, that the inner bark of the plant, scraped from the bottom up, acts as an emetic and, scraped from the top down, … Elderberry: Flowers against Colds

Rosemary: the “Dew of the Sea”

Already in ancient times, the aromatic fragrant rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) was used in the Mediterranean region. It was dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite and symbolized love and beauty. The name of rosemary is derived from the Latin “ros marinus” and means “dew of the sea”. Through Charlemagne, this herb reached Germany in the Middle Ages … Rosemary: the “Dew of the Sea”