
Introduction The active ingredient of Fluimucil® is acetylcysteine. This active ingredient has a secretion-dissolving effect and is therefore used for treating colds and similar respiratory diseases. Principle of action of Fluimucil If pathogens (e.g. viruses or bacteria) penetrate the nose or bronchial tubes, the mucous membrane there reacts by secreting larger amounts of fluid. The … Fluimucil

Side effects | Fluimucil

Side effects Possible side effects that may occur while taking Fluimucil® are Hypersensitivity reactions with skin reactions such as redness, rash, itching and/or wheals Rare headaches Rarely nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Interactions The simultaneous intake of acetylcysteine with drugs that inhibit the coughing stimulus must be avoided, as the mucus dissolved by acetylcysteine cannot be coughed … Side effects | Fluimucil