Sore throat when swallowing

Introduction Particularly in the winter time hardly anybody is spared: Sore throat surely everyone had already once in its life. Thereby a painful inflammation in the throat and pharynx occurs, which is partly accompanied by swallowing difficulties and hoarseness. Sore throat can occur alone or with other complaints, depending on the cause. Causes of sore … Sore throat when swallowing

Thumb Orthosis

Definition A thumb orthosis can be considered a “firm bandage”. These orthoses usually consist of elastic parts that surround the wrist and relatively firm parts that ensure a more or less strong splinting of the thumb. A thumb orthosis is usually relatively easy to put on, adjust (elasticity, Velcro) and take off. Indications A thumb … Thumb Orthosis

What are the accompanying symptoms of sore throat when swallowing? | Sore throat when swallowing

What are the accompanying symptoms of sore throat when swallowing? Whether and which other complaints besides sore throats exist depends on the underlying disease. Flu-like infections can cause rhinitis, fever, cough and a general feeling of listlessness. The sinuses can also be blocked and become noticeable by headaches. With many infections, but especially typically with … What are the accompanying symptoms of sore throat when swallowing? | Sore throat when swallowing

Effect of the thumb orthosis | Thumb Orthosis

Effect of the thumb orthosis A thumb orthosis works mechanically and prevents painful movements or movements that prevent the healing process. It stabilises the affected region by means of certain components (aluminium/plastic plates) and causes immobilisation. The degree of immobilization can vary depending on the type of orthosis. Parts that fix the orthosis to the … Effect of the thumb orthosis | Thumb Orthosis

Therapy of sore throat when swallowing | Sore throat when swallowing

Therapy of sore throat when swallowing Sore throat when swallowing is a symptom of a disease and disappears with the successful treatment of the cause. Even if this may seem unpleasant at first: for sore throat it is most important to drink plenty of fluids, preferably still water or lukewarm tea. This helps to moisturize … Therapy of sore throat when swallowing | Sore throat when swallowing

What are the special characteristics of children with sore throats when swallowing? | Sore throat when swallowing

What are the special characteristics of children with sore throats when swallowing? A sore throat when swallowing and scratching the throat is a typical symptom of a cold in children. More often than in adults, sore throats in children are only caused by viruses and not by bacteria. Especially in winter, the dry heating air … What are the special characteristics of children with sore throats when swallowing? | Sore throat when swallowing

How long do sore throats last when swallowed? | Sore throat when swallowing

How long do sore throats last when swallowed? How long a sore throat lasts depends on the causative disease. Viral infections subside in about one week, bacterial infections after ten to twelve days. The duration also depends on the state of the immune system and the supporting measures. Those who take appropriate care of themselves … How long do sore throats last when swallowed? | Sore throat when swallowing

Cross Allergy

Definition A cross-allergy is a form of allergic reaction. In an allergic reaction, certain antibodies (IgE antibodies) react to an allergen (for example pollen) and an allergic reaction occurs, for example in the form of a skin rash or irritation of the mucous membranes with itchy eyes and increased sneezing. In the case of a … Cross Allergy

Diagnosis | Cross Allergy

Diagnosis The anamnesis is very important for the diagnosis. It is very helpful if the patient already keeps a (nutritional) diary in which he/she writes down which food has been eaten or which substances have been in contact with which allergic reaction. Based on this, the treating physician can carry out the allergy test. There … Diagnosis | Cross Allergy

Duration | Cross Allergy

Duration As described above, there are cross-allergies that are seasonal and occur mainly in spring and autumn. With all other forms of cross-allergy, however, the following applies: once a sensitization has taken place, the allergy usually persists. Its degree of development can change, but it rarely disappears completely. Therapeutically, hyposensitization can be used to achieve … Duration | Cross Allergy