When can I start exercising again? | Duration of irritation of the appendix

When can I start exercising again? If there is a simple irritation of the appendix, which only lasts a few hours and heals without consequences, this is usually harmless. It is advisable to rest for a few days and then to take up sport slowly. If the irritation of the appendix develops into a pronounced … When can I start exercising again? | Duration of irritation of the appendix

Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Introduction Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, or infectious mononucleosis – as it is called medically correct – is an infectious disease caused by the so-called Epstein-Barr virus. Compared to most infectious diseases, the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is a long-lasting affair. As always, the duration of the illness depends on the physical conditions, state of health and other … Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Duration of sick leave | Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Duration of sick leave How long the patient is put on sick leave depends mainly on the treating doctor and the patient’s wishes. As already mentioned, the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever does not cause a complete defeat so that one feels unable to work physically. Rather, those affected feel a sense of listlessness that lasts for … Duration of sick leave | Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Duration with the baby | Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Duration with the baby In babies and infants, Pfeiffer’s glandular fever does not usually last as long as in older patients. The differentiation from other “normal” viral diseases is, however, very difficult at this age because the symptoms of the disease hardly differ. From a sound medical point of view, it is therefore very difficult … Duration with the baby | Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Patellar Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Numerous people suffer from patellar osteoarthritis as they age. It is a progressive process in which damage and subsequent breakdown of the articular cartilage behind the kneecap occurs. Especially if the progression is not age-related, the resulting impairments can be significant. What is patellar osteoarthritis? Patellar osteoarthritis is wear and tear of the cartilage behind … Patellar Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Itchy skin rash

Introduction Itching is basically a meaningful phenomenon that has arisen in human tribal history. If there are foreign bodies on our skin, or if we are stung by an insect, for example, itching can occur. We instinctively react to itching by scratching. In this way, we unconsciously try to remove the potential dangers from our … Itchy skin rash

Symptoms | Itchy skin rash

Symptoms The symptoms of an itchy rash ultimately arise from the term itself. Only the severity of the itching and rash can vary greatly. In dermatology, rashes are distinguished according to various criteria. First, it is important where a rash occurs. Is it localized or does it occur all over the body (generalized)? At this … Symptoms | Itchy skin rash

Diagnosis | Itchy skin rash

Diagnosis The most important means of diagnosis is the assessment and questioning of the patient by the dermatologist. Often, the cause of an itchy rash can be determined by this alone, without the need for further measures. Depending on the clinical picture, however, further steps may follow. For example, if an allergic reaction is suspected, … Diagnosis | Itchy skin rash

Prophylaxis | Itchy skin rash

Prophylaxis Although this can be difficult for some substances in everyday life, the substance causing the allergy should be avoided. Basically, it is also true that one should avoid scratching as far as possible. On the one hand, this can cause small injuries that can cause a skin infection, and on the other hand, itching … Prophylaxis | Itchy skin rash