Calcivite D

Introduction Calcivit® D is a vitamin-mineral combination preparation consisting of calcium carbonate 1500 mg (equivalent to 600 mg calcium) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 400 I. U. to be taken twice daily. If the preparation is used during pregnancy, however, it may only be taken once a day at most. It is available in pharmacies but … Calcivite D


Other termf Spanish fly Use of Cantharis for the following diseases Kidney and urinary tract infections and cystitis. – Diarrhoea with burning at the anus Use of Cantharis for the following symptoms/complaints Burning pain is characteristic! – Severe inflammation of the mucous membranes, mainly the urinary organs. – Stomach pain (cutting pain) Aggravation by drinking … Cantharis

Jaw Pain

The jaw is anatomically counted to the facial skull (viscerocranium) and consists of two parts, the upper jaw (maxilla) and the lower jaw (mandible). Both the upper jaw and the lower jaw serve as holding structure for the teeth embedded in them. Jaw pains can originate both from the jawbone and the surrounding soft tissue … Jaw Pain

Prognosis | Jaw Pain

Prognosis The prognosis for any pain that may occur in the jaw area is generally good if timely medical or dental treatment has taken place and the patient shows a high degree of cooperation. A possible exception are defects in the case of tumors. Here, the primary tumor and the course of the disease as … Prognosis | Jaw Pain

Diagnosis | Jaw Pain

Diagnosis In case of severe pain in the jaw area, you should make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.This is the first point of contact and the physician refers after appraisal and necessity to an orthodontist. The attending dentist will examine the area in the mouth and will then usually arrange for … Diagnosis | Jaw Pain

Epithelialization Phase: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

During the epithelialization phase of wound healing, mitosis takes place, closing the resulting tissue defect with new epithelial cells and initiating the subsequent phase of scar formation. The epithelization phase follows the granulation phase and hardens the granulation tissue formed up to that point. Excessive processes of epithelialization can cause wound healing disorders to occur … Epithelialization Phase: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Dry Lips: Causes, Treatment & Help

Dry, chapped lips are a very unpleasant phenomenon that occurs especially in winter. Some people are so affected by the problem of “Dry, chapped lips” that the skin on their lips tears deeply and even begins to bleed. Those who are troubled by dry, chapped lips should pay attention to the following advice, which is … Dry Lips: Causes, Treatment & Help

Piercing plant

Latin name: Filipendula ulmaria/Genera: Rosaceae Folk name: goatee beard, elm tree, meadow goatee Plant description On our meadows frequent, perennial perennial. Strong root, stems up to 1 m high. Leaves toothed, silvery hairy on the underside. At the end of the stem umbellate inflorescences with many, white and very small flowers. Flowering time: June to … Piercing plant

Condylomata Acuminata: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Condylomata acuminata are considered a sexually transmitted disease caused by infection with papillomavirus and manifested by nodular skin growths. Across Europe, condylomata acuminata affects approximately 1 to 2 percent of the sexually active population, with a peak age between 20 and 24 years of age. What is condylomata acuminata? Condylomata acuminata (also genital warts, condylomas) … Condylomata Acuminata: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment