Prophylaxis | Heart stumbling due to stress

Prophylaxis Protection against too much stress naturally also protects against heart stumbling due to stress. People who have to deal with a lot of stress in everyday life should definitely take care of themselves and get enough exercise. Movement causes a balance of psyche and body. Quiet evening rituals and conscious times of retreat work … Prophylaxis | Heart stumbling due to stress

Laryngeal pain

Synonyms Laryngitis, croup, pseudocroup Medical: Larynx Pain in the outer larynx Laryngeal pain often develops in adulthood due to acute laryngitis. This is usually a viral, more rarely a bacterial infection of the inner mucous membrane of the larynx, which then leads to pain, coughing and hoarseness, with swallowing in particular causing pain. If the … Laryngeal pain

Diagnosis | Laryngeal pain

Diagnosis The cause of the larynx pain can be clarified by direct or indirect laryngoscopy.In the indirect examination method, a laryngeal mirror is advanced over the mouth to the back wall of the throat and held over the laryngeal entrance. The larynx can then be seen and assessed through the mirror. In addition to the … Diagnosis | Laryngeal pain

Therapy | Laryngeal pain

Therapy In the case of an inflammation, the first priority is to protect the larynx and vocal chords by minimizing speech, avoiding singing or loud screaming. Whispering and clearing your throat should be avoided, as this puts additional strain on the vocal chords! In order to relieve the pain, the administration of painkillers, such as … Therapy | Laryngeal pain

Infectiousness of an otitis media

General information Acute inflammation of the middle ear is a disease that can be caused by both viral and bacterial pathogens. The causative pathogens are less directly directed against the middle ear, but rather cause an extensive infection, which ultimately causes inflammatory processes within the middle ear. How long is a middle ear infection contagious? … Infectiousness of an otitis media

Is otitis media contagious from kissing? | Infectiousness of an otitis media

Is otitis media contagious from kissing? The germs of the underlying infection can be transmitted via kisses. However, the risk of infection is lower when kissing than when shaking hands, for example. This is due to the fact that there are comparatively fewer pathogens in the mouth and that these germs then reach the stomach … Is otitis media contagious from kissing? | Infectiousness of an otitis media

Effect of HMB

Effect HMB is a breakdown product of the amino acid leucine and is produced in the body with an average diet of about 0.3 grams per day. Although HMB is a breakdown product of leucine, it has a positive effect on muscle growth and the ability to regenerate. In high intensity training, HMB is also … Effect of HMB

Function | Effect of HMB

Function Metabolic processes that build up and break down our muscles run around the clock. During an athletic performance such as a training session or a competition, the muscles are put under great strain and nutrients are used to produce energy. The amino acid leucine is needed for energy production and the “waste product” HMB … Function | Effect of HMB

Dosage | Effect of HMB

Dosage In most studies, doses of between one and a half to three grams of HMB per day were administered. These doses were distributed over up to four times a day. However, each athlete has his or her own individual dose, so each athlete should find out the optimal amount of HMB to take. For … Dosage | Effect of HMB

Fluid deficiency in children

General information A fluid deficiency that has grown over a long period of time can become an absolute emergency. What is the fluid requirement for children? The daily fluid requirement for children is slightly different from the daily fluid intake requirement for adults. This is due to the fact that children have a significantly higher … Fluid deficiency in children