Function | Effect of HMB


Metabolic processes that build up and break down our muscles run around the clock. During an athletic performance such as a training session or a competition, the muscles are put under great strain and nutrients are used to produce energy. The amino acid leucine is needed for energy production and the “waste product” HMB is left over.

However, it is precisely the degradation product HMB that seems to ensure that the muscle cells are not damaged by the stress. The anticatabolic effect of HMB cannot be explained by a changing metabolism. Apparently, HMB serves as a kind of precursor substance for the body’s own cholesterol production in the phase of high cholesterol demand.

An increased cholesterol requirement is present during physical strain or work, but also in phases of cell growth. Precisely for this reason, HMB can be used as a dietary supplement during periods of high stress for muscles and other body cells to prevent their breakdown and initiate a rapid rebuilding process. Through this mode of operation of HMB, on the one hand the muscle mass can be strengthened and on the other hand an increase in strength can be achieved.

HMB also ensures that the muscle cells are stabilized and thus more robust against micro injuries, as they can occur during hard training and heavy physical work. HMB therefore seems to be very well suited to ensure in combination with a load, training or physical hard work that a reduction of muscle mass is prevented and increases in strength can occur. HMB should also have other positive effects. Firstly, it is said to be able to lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, it is said to be responsible for stimulating effects on the immune system.However, no verifiable results can yet be given for these modes of operation, as this has yet to be investigated in studies.

Side effects

Since HMB is a metabolic product of the body, one should assume that there are no side effects at normal dosage. In many studies, subjects were given a maximum of five grams of HMB per day as a dietary supplement and no side effects were found. However, it is not yet possible to say exactly what effect supplementation with higher doses has on the body.

There can always be certain interactions with other substances in the body, which can cause undesirable side effects. Further studies are needed to clarify this question. The long-term effect of HMB has also hardly been investigated to date, so that here too, no reliable results are available yet.