Symptoms of renal insufficiency

Acute renal insufficiency: Acute renal insufficiency is characterized by a reduction in the amount of urine and a more than 50% increase in the substance creatinine (metabolic product of the muscle) in the blood. These are the typical symptoms High blood pressure Water retentions/edema Headaches Fatigue and reduced performance Muscle twitching Itching Loss of appetite … Symptoms of renal insufficiency

Vertebro- and kyphoplasty

Vertebral body alignment, balloon dilatation, cementing of the vertebral body Definition Vertebroplasty: Vertebral body stabilization for vertebral body fractures, or prophylactically for imminent vertebral body fractures, by inserting bone cement without ballooning the vertebral body. Kyphoplasty: Vertebral body stabilization for vertebral body fractures, or prophylactically for impending vertebral body fractures, by introducing bone cement with … Vertebro- and kyphoplasty

These are the symptoms of beginning renal failure | Symptoms of renal insufficiency

These are the symptoms of beginning renal failure Incipient renal failure often shows few or no symptoms at all. Therefore, it is not easy to detect incipient renal failure. Unfortunately, many are overlooked and only diagnosed late. One of the so-called early symptoms is the so-called polyuria. Polyuria is the increased excretion of urine. Only … These are the symptoms of beginning renal failure | Symptoms of renal insufficiency

Complications | Vertebro- and kyphoplasty

Complications Complications in kyphoplasty are very rare (approximately 0.2% per fracture). The main risk is a leakage of bone cement from the vertebral body, which is, however, seen more frequently in vertebroplasty (vertebroplasty approx. 20-70%; kyphoplasty approx. 4-10%). The reason for this is the use of a more fluid bone cement and a higher pressure … Complications | Vertebro- and kyphoplasty

Cystitis in the baby

Definition – What is cystitis in a baby? A cystitis in babies (also known as urocystitis or urinary tract infection in babies) describes the passage of germs such as bacteria or viruses into the urinary bladder and the resulting inflammation. Especially in infancy there is a peak in the frequency of cystitis. In contrast to … Cystitis in the baby

Cancer of the vocal fold

Synonyms vocal fold carcinoma, glottis carcinoma, vocal fold CA Definition The vocal fold cancer (vocal fold carcinoma) is a malignant tumor disease of the vocal folds. One of the main signs (symptoms) of the disease is hoarseness. Every hoarseness that lasts longer than three weeks must be examined at the larynx. A laryngoscopy of the … Cancer of the vocal fold

Therapy | Cancer of the vocal fold

Therapy Different stages are distinguished here, depending on size, location and spread into the surrounding tissue. Depending on the stage, different therapeutic methods are used. Basically there are three possible therapeutic approaches: In contrast to chemotherapy, radiotherapy has a somewhat more localized effect due to its targeted application in the affected area. Radiation therapy – … Therapy | Cancer of the vocal fold

Estriol: Function & Diseases

Estriol, also called estriol, is a female sex hormone that belongs to the estrogen group. What is estriol? Estriol is a hormone. It is one of the natural estrogens. However, compared to the other estrogens (estradiol and estrone), estriol shows only relatively weak estrogenic activity. The estrogenic effect is only about 1/10 as great as … Estriol: Function & Diseases


The first references to aromatherapy come from ancient Egypt, where essential oils were already being extracted from cedar wood around 4000 BC. In Europe, from the 13th century onwards, oil was primarily produced from rosemary and in France, at the time of the Sun King, more than 60 essences were already known. With the progress … Aromatherapy