
Definition Urea is an organic compound that is formed in the human body as the end product of the urea cycle and is then excreted mainly through the kidneys, but also through sweat. Urea contains the substance “ammonia”, which is toxic to humans. This accumulates in various metabolic pathways of amino acids in the body … Urea

Urea ointment | Urea

Urea ointment Urea ointment is mostly used for very dry skin or neurodermatitis. Most people have already had contact with “urea” without even noticing it. Numerous hand creams contain this substance. Urea here means nothing else than urea. The second important function of urea plays a role here. It fulfills the same function on the … Urea ointment | Urea

Measles vaccination

Synonym Measles: Morbilli measles vaccination: MMR vaccination Introduction Measles is a typical childhood disease. The trigger for this disease is the so-called measles virus, which has evolved from the bovine pest virus. Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease that spreads rapidly among unvaccinated children. The first signs of a measles infection are the appearance … Measles vaccination

Measles vaccination for children | Measles vaccination

Measles vaccination for children Although measles is a typical childhood disease, adults who do not have sufficient vaccination protection can be infected quickly. People who work with children in kindergartens, schools, daycare centers or elsewhere are particularly at risk. Clinic personnel are also recommended to be vaccinated regularly. In contrast to children, a single injection … Measles vaccination for children | Measles vaccination

Are measles contagious? | Measles vaccination

Are measles contagious? Measles is a highly infectious and aerogenic (droplet infection) transmissible disease, so there is a risk of infection when speaking, sneezing or coughing. Anyone who comes into contact with affected people is very likely to fall ill themselves. With vaccination this is not given at any time. Admittedly, the so-called “vaccination measles“, … Are measles contagious? | Measles vaccination

Costs of the measles vaccination | Measles vaccination

Costs of the measles vaccination The cost of the Mérieux vaccine from Sanofi Pasteur MSD, which is exclusively directed against measles viruses, is €33.43. As with all vaccinations recommended by the STIKO (Standing Vaccination Commission), the vaccination costs in Germany are fully covered by the statutory health insurance scheme. For privately insured persons the assumption … Costs of the measles vaccination | Measles vaccination


Explanation/Definition Zopiclon is a sleep-inducing or in high doses sleep-inducing drug (hypnotic), which is approved in Germany since 1994. Zopiclon improves the quality of sleep by shortening the time it takes to fall asleep, extending the time it takes to sleep through the night and reducing the time it takes to wake up at night. … Zopiclon