Obsessive-compulsive Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Compulsions or obsessive-compulsive disorder are mental illnesses. The sufferer suffers from obsessive thoughts and mental stress, so that he unconsciously has to perform compulsive actions (for example, constantly washing his hands). It is also called a mental disorder. To determine its cause is not so easy, because it can be in the psychological as well … Obsessive-compulsive Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Therapy of arthrosis

How should the therapy of arthrosis be designed? There is no causal therapy for osteoarthritis, i.e. there is no therapy that eliminates the cause of the osteoarthritis. Although a large number of “cartilage-building preparations” are available, ranging from gelatine to herbal agents which may contain a wide variety of things, there is still no scientific … Therapy of arthrosis

Therapy of shoulder arthrosis | Therapy of arthrosis

Therapy of shoulder arthrosis Arthrosis of the shoulder is treated conservatively whenever possible (especially in the early stages), i.e. without surgery. A combination of pain therapy and physiotherapy can have a positive influence on the course of shoulder wear. This can often slow down the arthrosis and alleviate the shoulder complaints. Pain therapy involves direct … Therapy of shoulder arthrosis | Therapy of arthrosis

Stage Fright: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Stage fright corresponds to a stressful situation before public appearances. Over time, anxiety disorders can develop from the phenomenon. If this happens, cognitive behavioral therapy helps to reevaluate the negatively perceived situation. What is stage fright? Stage fright can affect a wide variety of areas of life. In the expanded definition, any kind of tension … Stage Fright: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment