Strength training without equipment


Strength training is one of the most important types of training for sporting and health success. It not only strengthens the muscles, but also has a positive influence on the rest of the so-called holding apparatus (with tendons, ligaments and bones). Strength training is therefore suitable not only for the classic strength athlete, but for target groups of all ages and sexes.

Older people can also significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis or falls through regular exercises. Strength training in the gym or at home is not always dependent on high-tech equipment. Clear results can also be achieved with one’s own body weight and, if necessary, everyday objects.

Basic principles of strength training

Strength training without equipment should follow these four principles Regularly increase the load: The muscles only get a growth stimulus when they are brought close to their upper load limit. This means that only intensive training can achieve the desired muscle build-up in the long term. Keep to the regeneration phase: The muscles need regeneration to recover from the previous training load.

The actual muscle growth takes place after training.

  • Increase the load regularly: The muscles only get a growth stimulus if they are brought close to their upper load limit. This means that only intensive training can achieve the desired muscle build-up in the long term.
  • Observe regeneration phase: The muscles need regeneration to recover from the previous load from training.

    The actual muscle growth takes place after training.

  • Training vary: If the same exercises are always performed, the body can adjust to the same load and the training level will not improve. Therefore variety is important in weight training.
  • Continuous training: Due to too long training breaks the performance level unfortunately decreases relatively quickly. It is very important to stay on the ball, so to speak, even during strength training without equipment.

Push-ups: Raised push-ups: Pull-ups from a sloping couch slope: Dips on chairs:

  • Starting position: Lying, arms resting on chest height
  • Execution: Stretch arms (not fully extended) and bend (until tip of nose is almost at the ground)
  • Starting position: see above
  • This time, however, the feet rest on a raised object
  • Starting position: Hold on to table top or bar from below, inclined lying position (upper body in the air, heels on the floor)
  • Execution: stretch and bend arms (until tip of nose is almost at the edge of the table); increase the exercise the more horizontal the starting position is, or the lower the table top or bar is
  • Starting position: supported between two chairs with their backs facing each other (feet not touching the floor)
  • Execution: Bend arms slowly and let yourself be lowered (until upper arm and forearm reach a 90° angle), then stretch again

Crunches: Cross crunches: Half beetle: Lift legs: Lateral uprighting:

  • Starting position: supine position, legs are angled at 90° on a raised object or are set up at an angle
  • Execution: Raise head and shoulders slowly from the floor (in rolling motion); perform movement slowly
  • Starting position: supine position, legs are set at an angle
  • Execution: Place hands to side of head, then move left elbow to right knee, then move right elbow to left knee, first raise shoulders (then move sideways)
  • Starting position: supine position, legs are angled at 90°
  • Execution: Head and shoulders are slightly raised, legs are alternately stretched and bent again (in slow movements, not like “cycling”)
  • Starting position: supine position, abdomen tense, spine lies on the floor as completely as possible (no hollow back! )
  • Execution: slowly lift the legs (if possible, keep them straight), if necessary move them so far that the legs point vertically upwards and the pelvis is slightly lifted
  • Starting position: lateral position, stretched, partner holds legs
  • Execution: Lift shoulder slowly off the ground, do not support on elbow!