The “self” – diagnostic tool

to the individual examination methods Introduction Our new section of the “Self” Diagnostic is aimed at patients suffering from orthopedic diseases such as joint or spinal complaints. With our self-diagnostic, they should be able to narrow down their complaints by recognizing their signs of illness (symptoms), or a certain constellation of symptoms, and thus find … The “self” – diagnostic tool

Eyelid Inflammation

Introduction The medical term for eyelid inflammation is blepharitis. Frequently a spread of the inflammation to the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis) can be observed. However, only certain parts of the eyelid may be inflamed, for example the corner of the eyelid or the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis). The eyelid serves to protect the eye from dehydration and external … Eyelid Inflammation

How contagious is eyelid inflammation? | Eyelid Inflammation

How contagious is eyelid inflammation? In principle, there is not much risk of infection from eyelid inflammation. If the eyelid inflammation is caused by bacteria, it belongs to the contagious disease patterns, but its risk of infection is rather low in contrast to conjunctivitis. If only one eyelid is inflamed, you should take hygienic measures … How contagious is eyelid inflammation? | Eyelid Inflammation

Sunitinib: Effects, Uses & Risks

Sunitinib is an anticancer drug and is used for gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) that can no longer be surgically removed, neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas, or renal cell tumors. It is marketed under the trade name Sutent and is manufactured by Pfizer. Sunitinib can cause various side effects by interacting with thyroid hormones. What is … Sunitinib: Effects, Uses & Risks


Introduction Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, which can occur locally or generalized throughout the peritoneum. Depending on the cause of the inflammation, a distinction is made between primary and secondary peritonitis. If the therapy is insufficient or too late, it can take a lethal course. Information on the anatomy can be found here: … Peritonitis

Pregnancy | Peritonitis

Pregnancy After peritonitis has occurred in the previous history, there is a risk that fertility has been impaired by the inflammation, especially if the peritonitis has existed untreated for a long period of time. Since the peritoneum also lies above the fallopian tubes, peritonitis can also cause inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Inflammation of the … Pregnancy | Peritonitis

Household remedy against wasp stings | Household remedy against wasps

Household remedy against wasp stings If all preventive measures did not help and it came nevertheless to a wasp sting, there are numerous household remedies, which are said to have a lindernde effect. Above all, the local application of heat-heat with temperatures of 45 to 50°C is to be mentioned. If heat is applied to … Household remedy against wasp stings | Household remedy against wasps

P-aminobenzoic Acid: Function & Diseases

P-aminobenzoic acid is an organic carboxylic acid. Although it does not actually belong to the group of vitamins, it is classified as one of the B vitamins and also bears the name vitamin B10. What is p-aminobenzoic acid? The p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is also known as para-aminobenzoic acid, 4-aminobenzoic acid, p-carboxyaniline or vitamin B10. The … P-aminobenzoic Acid: Function & Diseases