Methotrexate: Effects, Uses & Risks

Methotrexate is used as a drug for chemotherapy in various malignant tumor diseases. It is a cytostatic drug that prevents the rapid cell division of cancer cells. The drug is also used successfully not only in cancer therapy but also as a basic therapeutic agent for chronic inflammatory processes. What is methotrexate? Methotrexate is used … Methotrexate: Effects, Uses & Risks

Mobilization via manual therapy | Cervical spine mobilization exercises

Mobilization via manual therapy Manual therapy offers one possibility to get a grip on the limited mobility of the cervical spine and the pain. It aims to use the hands to reduce muscle tension and restore mobility, helping the patient to move more freely without pain. In general, manual therapy is used to correct functional … Mobilization via manual therapy | Cervical spine mobilization exercises

Water Hemlock: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Water hemlock is also known as poison water hemlock. This name already indicates the highly toxic effect of this medicinal plant, which may only be used in finished medicines or homeopathically. Occurrence and cultivation of water hemlock Water hemlock grows as a herbaceous plant with growth heights of 0.5 to 1.5 meters. Characteristically generative features … Water Hemlock: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Nose: Structure, Function & Diseases

The human nose is not only an important aesthetic component of the face. It simultaneously houses one of our developmentally oldest senses. It also serves vital breathing and acts as an “outpost” of the body’s defense against infection. What is the nose? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy of the nose and sinuses. Click to enlarge. … Nose: Structure, Function & Diseases

Narcotics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Narcotics (BtM) are agents originally intended to numb pain in humans. However, drugs also belong to the group of narcotics. The resulting Narcotics Act regulates the use of prescription medical narcotics, as well as the illegal use of addiction- and intoxication-inducing substances. What are narcotics? Narcotics (BtM) are agents originally intended to numb pain in … Narcotics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Beta-secretase: Function & Diseases

Beta-secretase belongs to the protease family. It is involved in the formation of beta-amyloid, which plays important roles in information transmission in the brain. At the same time, beta-secretase and beta-amyloid play important roles in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. What is beta-secretase? Beta-secretase belongs to the group of proteases that break down proteins at … Beta-secretase: Function & Diseases

Corticosterone: Function & Diseases

Corticosterone is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex. Among other things, it serves to synthesize aldosterone. What is corticosterone? Just like cortisone, corticosterone belongs to the steroid hormones. Steroid hormones are hormones that are built from a steroidal backbone. This skeleton is derived from cholesterol. Cholesterol is an alcohol that belongs to the … Corticosterone: Function & Diseases