Fatigue fracture in the foot

Synonyms in a broader sense Fatigue fracture, stress fracture, march fracture, insufficiency fracture Definition/Introduction A fatigue fracture of the foot is a creeping fracture of the bone (fracture), which occurs due to overloading, frequent, one-sided or constantly repeated loading (cyclic loading). It develops over a longer period of time. However, the force acting on the … Fatigue fracture in the foot

Diagnosis | Fatigue fracture in the foot

Diagnosis Since a fatigue fracture is not associated with a clear fracture event, diagnosis is usually made late.Diagnostic measures for the detection of a fatigue fracture are, on the one hand, the clinical examination of the foot for certain fracture signs (fracture signs) such as axial malpositioning of the bone, bone crackling (crepitation), abnormal mobility … Diagnosis | Fatigue fracture in the foot

Contusion coccyx

The coccyx bruise is one of the most common and painful injuries a person can suffer. Older people and athletes in particular are often affected by a coccyx contusion or even a coccyx fracture (fracture) or luxation (dislocation). Located at the lower end of the spine, the coccyx, also known as Os coccygis, is responsible … Contusion coccyx

Broken wrist

Anatomy of the wrist The term “wrist” is the collective term for 2 separate joints. These are the proximal wrist (i.e. near the middle of the body) and the distal wrist. The proximal wrist is also called “Articulatio radiocarpalis” and is composed of the bone of the forearm, the so-called radius (lat. Radius), and the … Broken wrist

Symptoms | Broken wrist

Symptoms Classical symptoms of a broken wrist are pressure pain with the following swelling and pain radiation. As a rule, the classic fracture signs are recognizable. In addition to dislocation, i.e. shifting, these include step formation, soft tissue damage, abnormal mobility and the presence of crepitations (“crunching noise” in the fracture area). Of course, the … Symptoms | Broken wrist

Duration | Broken wrist

Duration With conservative therapy, the cast should be worn for 4-6 weeks. During this time it is important to move thumb and fingers so that the musculature is not completely broken down despite the immobilization, but also to promote the blood circulation. In addition, regular checks must be made to ensure that sensitivity as well … Duration | Broken wrist