Duration | Bump on the wrist

Duration If the bump is a bruise or insect bite, the volume should return to normal within a week. If a wrist fracture is the diagnosis, the therapy can last up to several weeks. The treatment of a ganglion on the wrist usually lasts for a short time. After the puncture or surgical intervention, the … Duration | Bump on the wrist

Treatment methods | Healing of a fractured vertebra

Treatment methods It is also possible that the spinal column cannot be restored to its original shape despite therapy and malpositions occur. This can result in incorrect loading, which can lead to chronic pain or damage other surrounding vertebrae in the long term due to the disproportionate load. Another aspect of the healing of vertebral … Treatment methods | Healing of a fractured vertebra

Duration of pain | What pain does osteoporosis cause?

Duration of pain Due to the individual differences in severity and localization, it is not possible to make general statements about the duration of pain. Some patients, especially those in advanced stages of the disease, never become permanently pain-free, even under optimal treatment. Others respond very well to the therapy and achieve extensive or even … Duration of pain | What pain does osteoporosis cause?

Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle | Volkmann Triangle

Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle In the diagnostic ladder one usually starts with an anamnesis, in which the course of the accident is asked by the doctor. This is followed by a physical examination of the ankle. Here, movement restrictions and instability in the ankle may be noticed. Afterwards, imaging is usually carried out using … Diagnosis of a Volkmann Triangle | Volkmann Triangle

Volkmann Triangle

Definition The Volkmann triangle denotes a splitting off of the bone in the area of the ankle joint. The fracture results in an injury to the lower end of the tibia bone. Due to the special anatomy of the ankle joint, a bone triangle can be blown off at the front edge as well as … Volkmann Triangle