Risks | TBE vaccination

Risks For all age groups, vaccination should only be carried out when the patient is in complete health, otherwise there is a risk of the disease worsening. In brain-damaged patients or patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, the vaccination must be carefully weighed up. Examples of this are condition after transplantation, HIV infection and chemotherapy. In individual … Risks | TBE vaccination

What happens after the vaccination? | TBE vaccination

What happens after the vaccination? Refreshment depends on whether a fast or slow basic immunization was performed. While in the case of the fast (3-week) basic immunization, the vaccination protection lapses after 12-18 months, in the case of the slow (12-month) immunization it lasts for up to 3 years. The frequency of the booster also … What happens after the vaccination? | TBE vaccination

Other accompanying symptoms | Fever after a tick bite

Other accompanying symptoms If fever occurs after a tick bite, this is usually a sign of an infection with Borrelia or TBE viruses. In the early phase of the disease, flu-like symptoms usually occur with headaches, joint and muscle pain as well as exhaustion and reduced performance. Locally at the bite site there is also … Other accompanying symptoms | Fever after a tick bite

Duration and prognosis | Fever after a tick bite

Duration and prognosis The fever after a tick bite usually disappears after a few days. For most of those affected, underlying infections such as TBE or Lyme disease also heal without further consequences. Occasionally, however, there are serious complications, such as the spread of the pathogen to the brain. Nerve damage as well as encephalitis … Duration and prognosis | Fever after a tick bite

Where are the risk areas for TBE? | Early summer meningoencephalitis (FSME)

Where are the risk areas for TBE? It used to be possible to say that early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE) occurred mainly in southern Germany. As a result of climate change and the mild winters that accompany it, more and more cases of TBE are also occurring in northern and central Germany. According to the Robert … Where are the risk areas for TBE? | Early summer meningoencephalitis (FSME)

What is the course of the disease of TBE? | Early summer meningoencephalitis (FSME)

What is the course of the disease of TBE? After an incubation period of 2 to 30 days, most patients experience flu-like symptoms with mild fever as well as headache and aching limbs. In the majority of patients the disease is then over. In 10 percent of cases, a second phase of the disease occurs … What is the course of the disease of TBE? | Early summer meningoencephalitis (FSME)

TherapyPrognosis of TBE | Early summer meningoencephalitis (FSME)

TherapyPrognosis of TBE The rehabilitation measures within the scope of a follow-up treatment, which can be carried out as in-patient in a rehabilitation clinic (rehab) or out-patient in a corresponding rehabilitation center, depend on the existing deficits. For memory disorder and lack of concentration there are different exercise groups and computer-supported training. Balance disorders can … TherapyPrognosis of TBE | Early summer meningoencephalitis (FSME)