Homeopathy | Stomach ache after eating – what to do?

Homeopathy In addition to orthodox medicine, homeopathy can also be used for stomach aches after meals. Homeopathic remedies can be given as support to alleviate the symptoms. Examples of homeopathic remedies for stomach pain after eating are Sepia officinalis or Nux vomica. They help against stomach pain and cramps. However, the scientific proof of the … Homeopathy | Stomach ache after eating – what to do?

Stomach ache at night after a rich meal | Stomach ache after eating – what to do?

Stomach ache at night after a rich meal Some patients complain of stomach pains, especially at night. These occur mainly after a rich dinner. The lying position during sleep plays a major role. On the one hand, the passage of food from the stomach to the intestine is slowed down. On the other hand, lying … Stomach ache at night after a rich meal | Stomach ache after eating – what to do?

Gastric bleeding

Synonym gastrointestinal bleeding A gastric bleeding is a source of bleeding in the area of the stomach caused by various basic diseases with corresponding symptoms and sometimes life-threatening consequences, which makes it necessary to take the fastest possible action and make a diagnosis. Causes/forms In more than half of the cases, the cause of gastric … Gastric bleeding

Diagnosis of a gastric bleeding | Gastric bleeding

Diagnosis of a gastric bleeding In many cases, gastric bleeding is diagnosed only at the hospital.This is because the patient usually cannot interpret the symptoms such as tarry stools. Often either the drop in performance (in the case of seeping stomach bleeding) or in acute cases the vomiting of blood (in the case of heavy … Diagnosis of a gastric bleeding | Gastric bleeding

Gastric Tube: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Certain circumstances and diseases can make it impossible for people to eat by hand. To ensure that the body is supplied with all the important nutrients, medical professionals can insert a feeding tube. In this way, food enters the digestive tract directly without the need for decomposition by mouth. What is a feeding tube? To … Gastric Tube: Treatment, Effect & Risks