Glands: Structure, Function & Diseases

The glands are located under the skin or directly in the organism and are responsible for producing and excreting hormones, sweat and other substances. They regulate a wide variety of processes and are essential for health. What are glands? Glands are small openings distributed throughout the human body. They produce hormones, sweat or secretions, which … Glands: Structure, Function & Diseases

Homeopathy for a boil

A boil is a locally inflamed skin around a hair follicle. It usually manifests itself as a reddish swelling in the form of a small knot. The skin inflammation is caused by bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus. Furuncles occur mainly on the chest, neck, buttocks and face. The inflammation progresses within a few days until the … Homeopathy for a boil

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for a boil

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients: The Ilon® Ointment classic consists of different active ingredients. These include larch turpentine, purified turpentine oil, and essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus and thyme. Effect: The different active ingredients lead to a cleaning of the furuncle. The pathogens are fought and at the same time the maturation … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for a boil

Operation of a furuncle

Boils are unattractive and painful, but usually easy to treat. It is a purulent inflammation of hair follicles or sebaceous glands and the surrounding tissue caused by bacteria. Thus, boils can theoretically occur in any hairy area, but are most commonly found on the face, neck, armpits, in the pubic area or on the bottom. … Operation of a furuncle

Ointment for a boil

Introduction A furuncle can develop from an inflammation of the hair follicles, which is mostly caused by bacteria. This is an encapsulated accumulation of pus. An inflammatory painful nodule develops near the hair roots. If a small boil occurs, the doctor usually first prescribes a boil ointment to treat it. If the boil is very … Ointment for a boil

Ilon® Ointment Classic | Ointment for a boil

Ilon® Ointment Classic The Ilon® Ointment classic is a product that can be used in many ways for skin inflammations. It consists mainly of plant ingredients, promotes blood circulation, is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Ilon® Ointment is applied to the boils and thus specifically promotes the healing process of the skin. An advantage is that the … Ilon® Ointment Classic | Ointment for a boil

Ingredients of boils ointment | Ointment for a boil

Ingredients of boils ointment Pull ointments contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances and are therefore well suited to treat small boils. The ingredients vary from ointment to ointment, often they contain the following substances: They are available in different concentrations, the less concentrated ointments are mostly prescribed for facial skin (including boils on the lip), the … Ingredients of boils ointment | Ointment for a boil


Definition Carbuncles, also known as boils, are an inflammation of several adjacent hair follicles. A carbuncle can develop from an inflammation of a single hair follicle, which is called a boil, which then spreads to other hairs and these also become inflamed as a result. Carbuncles can occur anywhere on the body where there is … Carbuncle