Pregnancy hormones

Definition The term “pregnancy hormone” primarily refers to human chorionic gonadotropin, HCG or beta-HCG for short. This peptide hormone is produced by part of the placenta and is an important pregnancy-maintaining hormone. In addition, beta-HCG is the hormone measured in standard pregnancy tests. Other important pregnancy hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Pregnancy hormones are those … Pregnancy hormones

What are the pregnancy hormones like after a miscarriage? | Pregnancy hormones

What are the pregnancy hormones like after a miscarriage? After a miscarriage the beta-HCG level drops again within a few weeks, so that it can no longer be detected. A hormonal adjustment of the remaining hormones to the non-pregnant state takes place. This can take several weeks. Normalization of the period may therefore also take … What are the pregnancy hormones like after a miscarriage? | Pregnancy hormones